Afternoon Vlog - Trying to stay positive during these depressing times..
Hey Steemians
This past week has been a bit of a tough one. It seems every time you turn on the TV there is nothing but negativity being shown. From the chaos in the white house to the school shootings that have taken innocent lives, it's getting pretty hard to stay positive.
I've gone from being really mad and asking why this happened to being sad thinking there is nothing we can really do about it. Then I started to wonder has this always been happening and we are just becoming more aware of it, or is there something wrong with our culture that promotes violence in general?
I think it might be a little bit of both...
As much as we rail against politicians they are a reflection of us. They face and deliver reality for us so we can go on about our lives. But it seems that the veil that has been over our eyes for so long is getting lifted slowly and we are seeing the world for what it is. A very hostile place.
The only silver lining I can see are that the young people are fed up and taking action into their own hands. This goes just beyond what they are doing right now in the wake of this mass tragedy. They are rejecting a lot of the old traditions/mindsets that have kept populations enslaved both mentally and physically.
We are finally realizing how the power of a few can make an impact on the many.

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Every day we wake up can be an extremely frightening one, which is why we must always remember to;
Grit our teeth, and remain Strong 👍✨
Interesting .. wonderful words
Be positive and be good at this time
Such as handle the embers with your hands
be brave
Really good though. I think myself that US is under a mainstream violence campaign. They make you feel scared, then you get depressed and consume to supreme somehow the depression.
Pharma industry, fashion, food with sugar and fat. Is all part of the same vicious cycle. At school is a mixed cocktail of bullying, violent video games an daddy's gun. Not sure how this could be fixed in the mid-term.
Stay positive!
I literally posted on this topic 2 days ago.
I honestly believe that one good deed can have so many ripple effects. Like steemit, we can be that glimmer of hope and light to those around us.
On some people, your good deeds have no effect. They are just so selfish and only concerned with themselves, that they never appreciate what you do for them. This , I was saying generally.
In Steemit, I have met so many awesome people who are willing to help you grow, and they do it so selflessly. The world is beautiful because of such people.
True, but it makes you a better person. Some people also put up a wall, and you will never know the effect that you have on them.
I agree with you, such people are useful for all.
for me people who help others grow, tampa pamrih that's a great person
Reminds me of the saying be the change that you want to see in the world. It's hard to even start with yourself when there is so much negativity...
I have learned to change what I can, and what you can do nothing about, I try to forget about. I know there is a lot of negativity, but imagine that you were also negative, then there is just one more negative person in the world. Just as negativity is contagious, positivity is too. You are right though, there is a lot of CRAP out there, Every time I think something can't shock me more, I fear something that shocks me even more than that. It is so easy to say to someone, just be positive and forget about your problems. I am not gonna lie, it is just like going to the gym, you need to work really hard, and you can't slack for a week, then expect the results that you want. Living positively is definitely the way to be. Sometimes we just have to turn the news off and focus on what is happening to us in our surroundings.
you cant be more right. everything you have said is so correct and what i love the most that you said is' turn off the news and focus on whats happening at us in our surrounding'....i do that a lot . and am happier for it.
Yes! When we are beacons of positivity, we have a butterfly effect on the world around it. When we smile at a stranger, we may joy see the effect we have, but the smallest deed can snowball in a person’s psyche, often unconsciously, and lead them to a brighter future.
If we let Love guide our actions, we always win!
Thank you for this post. It has been a rough week. I teach school in FL. The events have affected everyone. I had to write about it all yesterday, in an attempt to find closure but I had a hard time finding the words. Thank you for speaking them so well. Blessings
I saw your post about your students walking out. Yes it's been a rough week for a lot of people. I can't even imagine what they have been going through. Even for your and your students being in the same state.
I feel we have so much technology and information travels so fast that it seems that things are worse than before when in reality it has always been this way. With the rise of social media we only see the extremes of life being blasted at us daily. Racism, mass murders, wars, and corruption has been around for 1000s and 1000s of years. It has never changed. All we are doing is putting a magnifying glass on it now.
Yea man the extremes are what get an emotional response. I try not to watch the news but I want to stay informed. It's a catch 22.
I feel you. You have to try and stay informed without them influencing the way you see the world. For example when my dad was watching the ID channel a lot, he would talk about how crazy the world is and how he does not trust anyone. I'm like it's not THAT bad. When he stopped watching it like he used to our conversations changed
Social media is indeed a magnifying glass. We are gratefull for it
I believe social media is good but it's also bad. It's a gift and a curse.
The tv generally doles out bad news. In my country, the political powers that be have taken up comedy as leisure. They entertain us with comic relieves every now and then
The status quo begs for something drastic, a revolution might be in the making.
Looks like it
Hi. A very interesting post (haven't checked the video yet).
I'd like to add my thoughts on your question:
"Then I started to wonder has this always been happening and we are just becoming more aware of it, or is there something wrong with our culture that promotes violence in general?"
I believe that according to 'cause and effect' relation, violence is rising. But that is generally an effect of mainstream media acting as social reality creators. Check the news and just notice what kind of news is being brought to public, again and again. We are being more aware of it because they are creating the social reality by selecting and serving specific types of news. Violence, corruption, poverty,... The mainstream media is promoting all this.
Stop watching TV and start helping the young. They are our only hope, after all. And you'll also be able to stay positive by seeing the effects of your efforts, energy, deeds.
It's an awesome experience, to plant a small seed of good - a tiny tree or a positive thought and watch it grow... ;)
Thanks for your perspective. Your right the news is like a long running TV show and they will sell whatever keeps their ratings high. If people stop watching news then they don't get advertising dollars.
I don't watch much TV but I don't want to be an ostrich and put my head in the sand.
This one about advertising dollars just reminds me so much of a 'doctor's dilemma'. Honesty doesn't pay out. Do doctors actually want to help me get healthy or secure their jobs and salaries? Sorry, but these two are in direct conflict.
And absolutely - don't be an ostrich! We have to take 'the red pill' and check for ourselves 'how deep does the rabbit hole go'. But no TV is going to give us the 'red pill'.
"You are more alone than you imagine. This should not be a source of fear but of freedom. When you prove to yourself that you can get things on your own, then you experience a sense of liberation." - Robert Greene. You can check this awesome motivational video (not mine) that also includes this one and some other Robert Greene's great thoughts.
On one hand we want to avoid the negative, but the other part of me knows that you can't ignore a problem when you want it to be fixed. That is how things stay the same forever..
Yea that is pretty much how I'm feeling right now. It would be so easy for me to just shut it all out but then things won't change.
i too am nauseated with negative news i witness everyday...but it is instead of be affected by it i try to be mindless about it and i am sad so sad about what is happening
Yea I hear ya... You should spruce up your profile.
thanks how.....i am 65 year old lady and i really want to be a good steemian
So if you go to your profile and the settings you can update it. If you might want to use as they might let you upload a pic rather than reference it.