Nothing is Free? Think Again!

in #life8 years ago

I heard it again a few days ago, "nothing is free" and every cell in my body wanted to cry out, "you're very wrong about that" I heard it when I was in College from my Electronics teacher, "There's no free lunch in the universe". Well the way I see it, if there is one thing that is free then that statement is not true. And I know there is not just one, but many examples of things in this universe that are free. When you start looking for them they will be revealed everywhere. Look at families, raising children, what Grandparents do for their Grandkids, There are people in every industry that do more than is required by their pay cheque all the time. We call it love, and when it gets to the level of unconditional you'll witness lots of "free", and it has a ripple effect that is amazing.

You know what I think? I think the statement “Nothing is Free” was a made up concept that was created to promote consumerism. And it worked. When we hear something so simple being said all the time it becomes part of our belief system. We don’t even question it. And it worked very well for decades, but we are beginning to wake up now. We are questioning our beliefs, and looking more carefully at how the world is run. I for one, don’t like it. I see how “free” systems work and I like it! Free systems work more efficiently, everyone involved benefits, and there is no corruption. There is no incentive for crime. There is freedom for individuals to share, be creative, be inspiring, to be happy.

Being happy is our birthright. I believe the reason we are here is to experience life to the fullest. How can we do that in the meager little bits of time we have on weekends and evening while working our life away in a job. “Jobs”.... another dirty little word that has us hoodwinked, but I will save that topic for another day.

I appreciate all the improvements happening here at Steemit. Almost every day I see the changes. So exciting to be in on the Beginnings of Something New!


Wonderful! Friendship is free, love is free and so far, the air is free. I believe! <3

Everything costs something. Maybe not money. Depends on the definition of free.

this is great! Well spotted @ajavajive I for one am thankful to see one who sees through the brainwashing. I have met many people in developing countries who live very much without money, so most things are "free" for them, even if they may barter or work for them in other ways. eg: you might have to climb a tree to get a "free" coconut

Belief in a system is what it is! You are so correct to say we were born to be happy, because it is true. It is the system we are raised to believe in that takes away this birthright and replaces it with having to live our lives for someone elae to be happy, those running the system. We have been manipulated to accept others have a right to determine what is accessible and at what cost. Time for change!!