in #life7 years ago

Dark Poem is a poem that contains many majas, kias, and symbols that are personal so difficult to understand its meaning. This form of poetry is so personal that the reader has difficulty interpreting its meaning clearly because its meaning is hidden and stratified, and contains the complexity and complexity of thought or lack of meaning at all. In the Dark Poem, the poet deliberately declares an intent or understanding by using symbols, metaphors, typographical forms, and by using a phrase that does not directly express the intent. The words he uses in general are words with connotations and personal symbols. Such forms of poetry are termed hermetic poetry or closed poetry. Such poetry is an individual expression and is an outpouring of feeling. KUTULIS SEDIH MARINE I write sad sea on the face of moss wave uneasiness in the armpit of coral I write drought on the white bones of the city sangar burn a thousand months The author wants to communicate with the reader, but the reader does not capture what the author communicated through his poem. Dark poetry starts from the era of the emirate of Amir Hamzah in about the 1930s. Amir Hamzah uses a lot of majas, especially metaphors, and symbols that are personal. The person who first mentioned the term dark poem was Chairil Anwar in his essay entitled "Hoppla" (published in Pembangoenan magazine Year I Number 1, December 10, 1945). Chairil Anwar's essay is then published in the book H.B. Jassin Chairil Anwar: Force Pioneer 45 (Jakarta: Gunung Agung, first printed 1956, second printing 1959). Amir Hamzah's most famous poems in the Nyanyi Sunyi collection of poems reveal many private masters. Therefore, Chairil Anwar calls it a "dark poem" (duistere poezie). Chairil's explanation of the poem is as follows. "The poem of Amir Hamzah in Nyanyi Sunyi is the so-called" dark poem "(duistere poezie) meaning that we will not understand Amir Hamzah if he reads Nyanyi Sunyi sonder the knowledge of history and religion because of Amir's phrases here about the examples comparisons of history and religion (Jassin, 1959) .For example is the poem "Padamu Jua" in which there are following phrases such as: "candlelight", "lamp of windows in dark night "" longing to feel "," said hearts, "" You are jealous, you are fierce, prey me in your paws, exchanging catches loose "," You are as timid as windbreakers behind the curtain. "Such phrases are symbols and masters of a private nature, not common.Only a poet who can understand the meaning of the phrase.In the 1980s many found dark poems as written Afrizal Malna and Kriapur.Abdul Hadi WM (1988) mentions that Kriapur's poems do not use cliches, but they seem weird and crazy. The phrases like "the moon breaks apart" and "my corpse at the bottom of the water" are masters and symbols that are personal to the dark meaning. Iwan Fridolin with his writings entitled "Dreams and Luka History" argues that in general, dark poetry can be regarded as a poem whose meaning is hidden, difficult, or no possibility to be understood. It may present a multitude of meanings, complexity and complexity of thought or lack of meaning at all. This is usually characterized by the use of elliptical styles, metaphors, allusions and uncommon references, typographical forms, arcane or flowering languages, as well as personal images or symbols.


Thanks a lot for wonderful post bro <3