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RE: The Three White Horses - Losing Opportunities....

in #life6 years ago

That was an awesome post you got there!

In addition, at some point in life one might have missed some golden opportunities as a result of the company of people he kept.

Let me also add that your friends can either make or Mar you. checkyour circle of friends and know if they are really worth calling "friends"

You not missing out of great opportunities (white horses) is to be real to yourself and know what exactly you want in life.

Go for it keep your circle of friends small, even if you've missed the white horses. I tell you that they are redeemable. This has to to begin with a change of attitude, change of friends, making good research, being dogged to your goals.

Let's understand that nothing good comes easy when you don't work for it.

You can only capture the "Three white horses" when you are focused, determined, and hopeful.


You need capture only 1 White Horse. Believe me

Sure! But it all boils down to your ambition,and what you want in life!

Thank you!