Dream... And Then Take ACTION!

in #life7 years ago


I have always been known as a Dreamer... or shall I say Daydreamer.. Even as a 5 year old child, in Grade 1, I was continuously punished and labelled as "dumb" because I would sit in class and daydream...

It would usually be of how I would stand up to my abusive father, having super powers and let Good triumph over Evil! Or I would pack my belongings into a red kitchen napkin and carry it on a stick over my shoulder (like Huckleberry Finn) and say goodbye to Caledon Street... I would dream of building a tree house and living from berries that I picked from the neighbor's tree. But I never did and all that came from it was being sent to the school psychologist for evaluation, a hiding from my father for not paying attention in class, and my mother being worried about her child not adapting to school life...

As I grew older (and hopefully wiser) I have always escaped my circumstances and reality through vivid dreaming and a wild imagination. I have always dreamed of being successful and helping others to be successful. But I have also realized that dreaming, or daydreaming will not become reality if you do not take action. And maybe this is the most difficult part of realizing your dreams? That first step? That first call or email to a new job? The first application for the course you always wanted to do?

Today I took the first step to realizing my ultimate dream of becoming a Life Coach, a Motivator, a Teacher so that I can help others change their lives and realize their dreams. This dream has been keeping me up at night, as I visualize and see myself impacting the lives and touching the hearts and minds of thousands of people. Its also a scary and lonely time for me as self doubt and insecurities of not being "good enough" sits at the back of my head....

I am however grateful and thankful for having the courage to take ACTION to realize my dream...for now I am not a dreamer anymore, but ready to connect with "I" and transform myself and others!