There's a lot of sense in the pieces you wrote, there's need for us to set a goal from our dreams and it should be goals that is visible to be realised. To set goals mean making a change in one's life In order to achieve certain, objectives sometimes it might be truly helpful and enlightening to explore new mental territory just like you did by hitting jackpots through steemit according to your experiences. But when you are not heading in a particular directions, you will arrive no where. Also, when you have no specific goals in mind, you will end up accomplishing nothing. But when you give yourself clear and specific goals, then your actions takes up the power of purpose that can help you to be more creative, resourceful, persistent and being effective.
It came once I finally let go of the whole goal-setting dogma and simply embraced the flow of life - making myself open to what presented itself in alignment, and showing up to engage fully without concern of what it would lead to.
Yes, accepting reality of life does matter, sometimes we might think of getting something done in our own way but the change will just come naturally without any form of preparation or such. If you find yourself in a good and useful situation, or you encounter a difficult and troubling situation, you can make the best from it no matter what. Accepting life's reality will surely push you to get yourself busy making your own unique positive contribution using whatever you have to get what you want by following certain protocol and process you will surely succeed.