The dangers of LGBT health and Psychology

in #life7 years ago (edited)

@acehphotography, BANDA ACEH INDONESIA--in recent
months, the issue of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) reappeared to permu kaan. Various parties that pros and cons against this phenomenon mengupasnya from various aspects. The Islamic schools of thought (SPI) Banda Aceh for example. The school has not been this long standing staged Stadium Genenal with theme of "behavior of adultery and LGBT: hazards and Handling" in the Hall of the mosque of Abu Bakar as-Shiddiq, Banda Aceh not long ago.

Person in charge of the event, Chandra Yudhangkara, say, organizing the event with the theme based LGBT on the desire to educate the public in order to avoid this behavior. "Why do we lift this theme? In addition to being hot in this issue, we want education to Mashallah rakat of the notion that LGBT sen self, psychology and health. Because ma syarakat we need to know the dangers of this deviant behavior, "Zamaxsyariel Arfakhsyaz told @acehphotography.
Specialist skin and sex, Dr. Goddess Inong Irana, exposing details about the way se danger this side of LGBT psychology and health. According to him, the male group sex with men (LSL) or known as LGBT 60 times more easily infected with HIV-AIDS and the transmission of the easiest me go through the rectum. "Through the seminar this time, I dont get tired of delivering bad impact behavior of adultery and LGBT in terms of health. This should be promoted everywhere, "said Inong in front of pa ra students seminars that are coming from different campuses in Banda Aceh.
Inong initiate the material with the uncovering of a number of diseases that caused the behavior of adultery and LGBT, such as HIV-AIDS and cervical cancer. He himself admitted to have a pa student sien was only 22 years old. Student it contracted syphilis sta dium two. "When I asked the question of pa car, the student have four girlfriends, i.e. one women and three men. Students were told that women do not wa sump because of dangerous, get pregnant.
"I am looking for a safe haven," said quoting the words of that student Inong. Citing data from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) 2010 u.s. shows from 50 thousand new HIV infection, two thirds are gay-MSM (male sex male/male having sex with men). The data on this 2018 when compared with data on the 2008 show an increase of 20 per cent while women, transgender has a risk of HIV infected 34 times higher than ordinary women.
Further, the CDC data on 2013 in the United States, the screening of gay (examination of gays), the apparent age of 13 years, 81 percent of which have been infected with HIV and 55 percent of them undiagnosed AIDS. "It's not my way. This is not a contrived, its data there. Frinds pro LGBT noisier half dead, "he said. For the moment, Dr. Inong says, for young children who feel that LGBT that secure, should re-think.
The reason, he said, the fact it is the easiest transmission of HIV-AIDS. "In addition to HIV-AIDS, there are other diseases due to LGBT not less dangerous, e.g., kaposi's Sarcoma, a new disease that there is no penawarnya," he said. kaposi's sarcoma is a cancer which causes abnormal tissue grows a small part under the skin, along the mouth, nose, and throat or inside other body organs.
They are usually red or purple colored and made of cancer cells and blood cells. Inong also said, no religion allows it because the impact of such behaviour is very bad for the health. Human nature from birth is rather against the opposite sex, not se the same type.
He claims to take dizzy with the emergence of several LGBT pro skin specialist. For him, the LGBT is not only unlawful but also torment deeds Allah SWT. This is already mentioned in the time of Prophet Lut. Nevertheless, Inong urge people to disregard and invites the perpetrators of the poor to repent. "We must have the tactics in Da'wah. We give them compassion, understanding. Don't ditakut-takuti, "ka asked.
Another speaker, Counselor of the Foundation Caring Companions, Putri Rizkiah, suspected perpetrators of gay affection will be less due to family, especially from the figure of the father. So when there were adult males who cares it they feel the new atmosphere.