Depression = Lack of Creativity

in #life7 years ago

Ever have someone tell you to do something on a daily basis?

You have to do this, you have to do that. You don't have the creativity due to depression but they still expect you to be creative.

When you try to express this to them, it falls upon deaf ears or they think it is an act or just laziness.

The next day, same thing, you need to do this and that.

Depression is not something you can turn on and off with a switch. You smile, you try to be creative and positive to get things done but in the end, it just doesn't work.

Winter is a bad season for people who happen to get depressed. The lack of sunshine, the cold and everyone around you seems bleak. You see very few smiles on peoples faces, except for those who Ski/snowboard and love winter.

So today, I am trying to be creative because I was told I needed to.

One thing they don't understand about this, is that the more you nag them to get things done, constant arguing over it, it starts to become a form of bullying.

Your trying to bully the person into doing what you want. Ok, maybe I am being a little dramatic about it but that is how it makes me feel when it happens to me.

They hound you to the point you do what they ask all the while feeling angry and resentment for how they hounded you into it. This can cause relationship problems if your not careful.

Being creative, like trying to do pottery, photography, baking, cooking, blogging becomes very difficult when in this mode. Your mind is not in the moment, it wonders all over the place all the while trying to concentrate on the task at hand.

Imagine a surgeon, he is in the OR ready to preform brain surgery. Would you want that operation knowing that the surgeon is not focused on your brain, tools and precision.

Hell no.....

So this is my attempt at being creative, blogging and afterwards, cook and clean and get my head wrapped around any tasks that come my way.

This surgeon wants to walk out of the OR!

Have a Happy Hump Day!