Mayhem: When Will This House Become a Home?

in #life-style6 months ago (edited)

When will this house be set up, and when will it be cleaned? I know it sounds like legitimate whining, but let me show you some pictures, and then you'll understand

But did I mention that I’m moving? I did talk about it in a few comments, but obviously, I'm not some 'whale' that you'd keep track of every comment I make. So the story goes something like this… Due to some official matters, we’ve had to move houses within the same town. Oh, I've been dreading this move for quite some time now. It’s the second night in this new home house, but I still can’t get that 'home' feeling. The lingering smell of paint is making me feel sick.

First have a look at this room:

Okay, this ⬆️ is the room that I emptied last in the previous house. It's my kids' bedroom... and you could say that my children's colorful childhood was spent in this very room.

It was a bit of an emotional moment... I tend to get attached to things a little too much, especially when they involve my children

And now, I'm presenting to you my new 'abode,' where I might be residing for the next couple of years (two at maxi) if everything goes smoothly... and as you can see, the state of affairs isn't ideal.

It needs a lot of renovation. Some of it might be done by them, but for the most part, we'll have to spend from our own pocket. For example, in the kids' old room, there was a built-in book rack with many shelves. Now, this room is smaller and doesn't have anything like a bookshelf or table... so I'll have to buy a lot of new things.

I'm browsing a ton of sites in between chores for these items... but everything is ridiculously expensive. I mean, I'll have to drop a few things and just go for the absolute necessities

None of the three washrooms have a cabinet or shelf for toiletries. I know it sounds like a bit too much whining, but it's justified when a bottle or two of cologne gets broken on the first day.

backyard: it's not the lawn that I will now be talking about

And while I wanted to enjoy the green lawn we've been working on for a month before the move... well, these fat-ass mosquitoes attacked me so aggressively, it’s like they’d been waiting for this moment to suck my blood—on top of everything else!

Burn in hell, you loser! And don’t you dare give me dengue! Well now I can only pray

Despite all the chaos, broken cologne bottles, and mosquito ambushes, I’m hopeful that once the dust settles—literally and figuratively—this place will start to feel like home. After all, a few mosquito bites can’t stop me from creating a cozy haven... though I might need to invest in some heavy-duty mosquito repellent first! Here's to new beginnings, bumpy as they may be!

And last but not least, I've given the verandah a little makeover. The sandstorms are making it tough with all the dust, but I’m planning to add fairy lights to this frame. I’ll share the final look once it’s all done!




Initial days are never easy but you will eventually settle down. Try to enjoy the process of turning this house into a delightful retreat.

I feel every single word of yours. The dust is settled at my place now but there's still a lot that needs to be done. Mostly, it involves buying new things and the prices are giving me little heart attacks. 😑 Anyhoo, life is slowly coming back on track and I'm loving the new place now. You will love yours.

Wish you a happy stay at your new place.

P.S. Is that a dengue in the picture? I see dotted legs. 🤨

Is that a dengue in the picture? I see dotted legs

This is a mosquito Aedes aegypti that can carry and spread dengue if infected! Hopefully it was not...

But if I get dengue (Allah na krey), you know the culprit :(((

I hope things settle down soon. You already know the issues. Well I was literally whining about during our call. It looks like it will take a month or two for the renovations they promised.

But yes, I'm keeping a positive attitude and am hopeful for the end result:)

And I'm so looking forward to that get-together... :)))



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Whatever you are feeling, is what everyone feels when they are moving to a new environment but just Give it little time, you will get use to your new home…

And as for the mosquitoes, please have mercy on them!! You can’t kill them on earth and still tell them to burn in hell, be considerate 😂😂😂

Only if I could kill it twice. The painful bite these suckers inflict... 🤬

This was the move, I was telling you the other day. Thank you for your optimism. I need that :)))

I can understand your hatred toward them, i too have the same feelings for the lizards😏

Happy move, it's not easy to do it with school going kids.

We are having home renovation and for that we are moving from one corner of the house with luggage to another corner.

But the final results will be worth our discomfort In sha Allah:)

Lizards don't bite, so I have started ignoring them. Though we do have them in abundance. And as Hira said, we are simply waiting for them to go into hibernation. One of the reasons that I like winters better.

Thank you for your optimism...need it in heaps.

Ever heard hate at first sight? Or hating someone for no reason?

That's how i feel for them 🤐

One of the reasons that I like winters better.

Me too



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