Liberty,....apathy in America

in #liberty6 years ago

Where has liberty gone.....

apathy in America
It almost seems as though it's a dirty word in society today. It is shrugged off with an
ignorance that is astounding. I have witnessed the systematic dismantling of the Bill of
Rights by our government. Which has grown to such immense proportions, that it has no
where to left to go, but inside our homes. Today we see gross misconduct on the part of the
White house. Although it was the Bush administration that enacted policies such as the
"Patriot Act" and the" Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act" of 2004. Which, as
stated by Bush: "Continues the essential reorganization of our government." The Obama
administration has not only continued these same oppressive policies, but expanded them
and their scope. (But you can't criticize him lest you be labeled a racist. Even though
sensible people of all complexions are criticizing him.)
What was not told to us was that "reorganization", meant giving much broader powers to
the FBI, NSA and the Homeland Security Agencies, that essentially allowed them to enter
your home without a warrant, listen in on any communications you make from your home,
or anywhere else for that matter. They are allowed by law, to freeze all your financial assets
IE; bank accounts, savings bonds, home, car, and even your pocket money. They can detain
you indefinitely, without a trial, or a lawyer present for your defense. And they are allowed
to do this, by law, with out ever having to have or state a reason. "No probable cause is
needed" You may think this is untrue, but i assure you, it is very true. And you are
encouraged to read the Patriot Act, and all legislation regarding the restriction of liberty in
the name of "security" All of which is available online.
Some of you may be thinking; "Well, I am not a criminal and they have no reason to bother
me." To that, I would ask two (2) questions: 1.) Would you allow a stranger to HAVE THE
POWER to come in your home and do as he/she pleased? Even if you believed they would
not exercise it? 2.) Have you ever bean accused of doing, or saying something that you did
Remember, people that work for the federal government are just people, they have
sicknesses and faults, may even be depraved. Just like like anyone else. You don't know
them, or what they will will do to you and your family. Just because the work for the
government does not mean that they have your best interest at heart. In fact, many times
civilians are seen as "potential combatants" No one should have that kind of power over
another human being.
Apathy is the sickness of our society today.
We are so busy with our gadgets and or entertainments that we have allowed politicians
to go about their abuses of power and daily bribery tactics, with no fear or sense of
responsibility. (In fact, we morph them into celebrities once they are exposed.)
We have become a nation of people who are so estranged from each other and fearful of
our neighbor, that apathy, seems like it's us minding our own business. But that's just it,
this country and the laws and policies that govern us, are our business. And the business of
our children.
When will America stand up as one people, and say we have had enough? When will we
stop letting the media accentuate what our differences are, instead of the many more
things that we have in common?
And when will we begin to see ourselves as human beings instead of consumers?
I will stand next to anyone who is willing to put their reputation, livelihood, and even their
life, on the line so that my daughter, and your children, will live in a country that does start
wars for the purpose of imposing our standards on another people. (Just we would not want
other countries imposing their will upon us.) flag jail.jpgA country where more money does not mean more important. Where personal
responsibility is not determined by a comity or a corporation, but by the individual for
which it stands. Where freedom is not a privilege or even a right, but inherent as breathing.
Freedom and liberty are of the same soil, you can not have one without the other.
Security is necessary, but not at the cost of the very thing you are trying to protect.
Benjamin Franklin:
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty
or security"
Clarence Darrow:
"You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom.
You can only be free if I am free."