The Silk Road: Ideas That Cannot Be Stopped Seek No Permission

in #liberty8 years ago (edited)

Legalized crooks walk among us every day and yet we are told we are 'safe'. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Throughout this tyranny,​ the seeds of liberty are being spread without asking permission. Bitcoin never asked permission. The Silk Road never asked permission and neither will we...

An article from the news publication ArsTechnica called “Stealing Bitcoin's With Badges” details the horrifying truth of how corrupt law enforcement truly is. Basically to sum it all up two rogue agents using their ‘special powers’ during the Silk Road investigation and were allowed to steal and pillage due to their monopolized form of state-bestowed rights. We all know this story would never take place with an average citizen and millions of people are behind bars for victimless crimes.

When is society going to stop accepting the violence and persecution towards innocent people and those fighting for freedoms? Dread Pirate Roberts (DPR) created a website that anyone could use with a built in ‘eBay like’ reputation system. A network of people that gave actual consent to the things they were doing. The website and those that followed its footsteps curbed drug violence and brought better quality than the narcotics found on the streets.

“Silk Road was founded on libertarian principles and continues to be operated on them. It is a great idea and a great practical system…It is not a utopia. It is regulated by market forces, not a central power (even I am subject to market forces by my competition. No one is forced to be here). The same principles that have allowed Silk Road to flourish can and do work anywhere human beings come together. The only difference is that the State is unable to get its thieving, murderous mitts on it.” — The Silk Road’s Dread Pirate Roberts

Society has allowed a monopolistic force to rule them in every sector of their lives. Police are authorized to publicly reap revenue off the herd by simply wearing a costume. A doctor could never fine you or place you in a cage and a man dressed in a clown suit could not either. But yet wearing a badge grants certain people special rights and allows them to do whatever they please.

In time, this type of collectivism will fail, and society will most likely learn from their mistakes as governments have polluted our earth, killed millions of people, and have made millions of people believe in hypocrisy through indoctrination. Through liberating actions and decentralized tools, individuals are steadily carving out a new paradigm of thought. It will take time for society to realize that voluntary actions trump coercive methods and good ideas don't require force.

Currently, the system of tax farming continues to exist and reaps revenue off of the entire population whether you live in the United States, Britain, and nearly every corner of the globe. The state uses its coercive nature to give itself the right to collect funds from private individuals in the name of “doing good” for the rest of society.

The nation states will tell you that without this tax system infrastructure would fail, the poor would never be fed, and children would never get a solid education. However, many sectors within our global infrastructure are failing miserably. Roads are still shitty and filled with potholes. The poor are still going without food regularly, and the public education system is a complete atrocity.

The time has come to start breaking the chains of absurdity. The nation state’s leaders are a despicable group of sociopathic hoarders that are slowly decimating all that is good within society. The monopolized police forces are killing innocents and getting away with it. Groups using the tools of freedom are forming in pockets all around the world. The Silk Road was a form of liberation from the get-go and many people have realized how powerful it was, and its ideas will continue to spread without asking permission.

The Silk Road concept went over and above the tyrannical forces and the almighty law enforcement by placing a seed in the ground and walking away. Even though they had arrested Ross Ulbricht and many people who took part in the underground online marketplace, the idea had spread exponentially. Right now Dark Net Markets (DNM) are stronger than ever and will continue to grow faster and faster. The ideas and tools are here to continue progressing towards a voluntary society and concepts like DNM’s, and Bitcoin is just the beginning. The nation states are growing weaker and in time they will falter and someday never to live again. As the state will soon be an absurd memory of the past.

“The great thing about agorism is that it is a victory from a thousand battles. Every single transaction that takes place outside the nexus of state control is a victory for those individuals taking part in the transaction. So there are thousands of victories here each week, and each one makes a difference, strengthens the agora, and weakens the state.” — The Silk Road’s Dread Pirate Roberts

Jamie Redman is a journalist at and graphic artist at He has written hundreds of articles about decentralized technologies, peer-to-peer applications, and open source code. He has also been a member of the Art of Not Being Governed for many years and helps provide information on relentless liberty through technological breakthroughs. You can also follow him on Twitter @Jamiecrypto



this is a fantastic post. I can't say im hopeful that ross will ever be free, but i donate regularly to the cause.

Ross Ulbricht is a visionary innovator who hasn't harmed another human being. In fact, Silk Road likely saved countless people from being victimized in street drug transactions. He deserves to be celebrated, not locked up for life.

Unfortunately, there's too much profit in locking him up, at least for now. Maybe they can use him later. The US penal system has forsaken justice and is ALL about profit. :/

Looking forward to the day that Ross is free, retired, and living like a King in Patagonia...

I remember drafting an article on Ross about a year ago or so. The entire case makes me angry. If there was ever a case for a presidential pardon, this is one.

The injustice of this case is certainly infuriating, but expecting the criminal in chief to pardon the crime fighter is not very realistic.

YESSSSSSSSS, thank you for ALWAYS bringing awareness to this :)

The advent of decentralized organization supported by modern technology has really upped the game when it comes to simply stepping around government erected blockades.

Great post, it really makes you question how things were carried out down in Silk Road.

War on drugs- what for a crime against the whole mankind.

The REAL criminals will pay one day soon when faced by their Creator! We cannot give up hope, but all act together to reverse these circumstances! upvoted

DPR and so many others, have a story like ours. A story of being treated like a heinous criminal for something that doesn't involve a victim. When times have become like they are now, the criminals are the true heroes. Check out our story