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RE: Ending the “Anarchist VS Minarchist” Debate Once and For All

in #libertarian7 years ago

I sympathize with your message here. Misunderstanding of language absolutely inhibits progress on any movement like yours. I continually hear of people causing chaos at events, protests, etc whom the legacy media dub "anarchists". I'm sometimes dumbfounded as to how to get people to realize that anarchy does not mean chaos!

Near where I live in a place called Hamilton, Ontario a group of supposed anarchists vandalized a city neighborhood for no apparent reason and with no message of liberty or freedom. While some of the group's sympathizers (such as a group called The Tower) seemed to be advocating for the end of class warfare, they also seemed willing to take actions to coerce behaviors out of others, which doesn't seem very liberty-minded to me and they also did not seem to advocate for anything freedom-related. They made reference to a family being evicted from a rental property being worse than the damage their compatriots inflicted. Would these people they call anarchists actually believe that freedom is the freedom to continue to have use of someone else's property without properly compensating the owner?

Is there a specific term you use for these destructive people who seem more politically organized than individual-minded?


Fake anarchists? Destruction of someone else's property is not anarchist. Even if it is stolen property, it should be returned to the rightful owner, not damaged.