Eternal Liberation

in #liberation7 years ago

Whether aware or not, we're ALL walking this evolutionary path TOGETHER, hand in hand. You are not alone. I FEEL you. I UNDERSTAND you.

If you feel you've already done the necessary inner healing for the most part, feeling discomfort does not always mean you need to do emotional digging.

It can simply mean you're waking up to deeper and deeper levels of your 'True Nature', and naturally the unraveling of the untruths in the process, of your 'Previously Perceived Nature', can be an uncomfortable process. Denser Cellular Debris no longer serving, gently being transmuted into Light DNA Structures.

And It's Okay. IT'S OKAY To Feel Uncomfortable.

Discomfort Is Your Friend, It's Here To Help Further Liberate You.

Instead of mindlessly scrolling online newsfeeds, or going to grab the next bite you see in the kitchen to suppress it...

Be VERY Present With The Discomfort You're Feeling. Relax INto it.

It NEEDS To Be Fully Felt, And Given The Light Of Your Awareness.

It can feel like you're wearing a Onesie that's too tight, and you just want to get OUT.

You're in the process of shedding a 'Previously Perceived Nature' to be rebirthed yet again, into your 'Present True Nature'. 🌈

And just like a baby, if you try to ignore it, it will only cry louder.

I personally always have a journal by my side, and I 'Stop, Drop, and Journal' when any revelations come up, so they can be grounded and integrated into the Earthly Realm for good. This definitely speeds and eases the process.

From this place, any action taken, will be the right action, in your Highest Alignment.

You're Remembering Who You Are In Every Present Moment.

It's Time To Celebrate In Every Present Moment. 🌞👐


#CheersToEternalLiberation 🕊☄☄☄♾





Hello, I like your energy and your voice but you are posting new stuff quite a bit faster than normally considered acceptable. There is no rush - four spaced out daily is considered the' maximum' for effectiveness. Take time to build followers and friends or else you stuff won't be seen and appreciated properly. My feed is completely full of your stuff and I want to read all of it but it's too much all at once!

Wow thanks for the advice. I had a bunch of posts already typed up and ready to go on a word document, I wasn't sure how fast people wrote on here. Nice to know I can take a little break haha. Nice to meet you, and hope to keep in contact :)

You can definitely take a little breather in between posts!
Give people the chance to read and comment. <3
Find interested readers by reading and commenting on similar stuff.
Maybe read up on the endless beginner a.k.a 'minnow' articles which will help a lot. <3

Thanks so much! Definitely need to learn the ropes here, but its getting here. Yesterday I could barely add a picture to my post, so this is progress!