Christian Community Should Apologize To LGBT

in #lgbt7 years ago (edited)


This is my open letter to all my co Christians.

All Christians should apologize to LGBT community.

Why? We hurt them. We discriminate them. We belittle them. We trump them. We don't love them.

I was one of those Christians who loves to bombard them with FIERY VERSES from the Bible. I quoted verses where penalty to those who do immorality are hell.

After I heard Rick Warren about his stand, I was suddenly rebuked by his words. Yes, we have our own stand but it doesn't give us a license and rights to discriminate, defame and curse LGBT.

We, Christians! Do we really love what God loves? God loves LGBT but not the sin. God loves them the way He loves us. Doesn't God teach us to love one and another?

We are hypocrites!

We never show love to LGBT! We only love to show what's in the Bible and hate to act it.

We hate them because of immorality but we have our own “immorality”.

We called them a “modern Sodom and Gomorrah” but we missed what Abraham did for them.

Let's talk about Sodom and Gomorrah. How can we call them like that? Didn't we read what Abraham did for the LGBT of SODOM AND GOMORRAH? Abraham showed his love to them! Abraham bargained to God just not to destroy them - from tenths of people down to one - Abraham cried before God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah.


We hate them because the BIBLE says what is SIN! But we never cry out before God to SAVE THEM.

We Christians should apologize because we don't really love them. We are hypocrites!

We act more righteous where in fact we are not. We are shameful before God. We abused the Bible. We presented the Bible very wrong.

To LGBT community.

We are so sorry. You know, we Christians have our own stand. We cannot support you to push the same sex marriage or union. We cannot support you to anything what the Bible is teaching wrong. But we want you to know that we are so sorry. We are so sorry when we can't embrace you in times of your gloomy days. We are so sorry if we are not available when you are in need of companionship. We are so sorry because we really don't love you. We are so sorry because we hate you unrighteously.

Forgive us!

Christians we have to repent for not loving them.


The religion is not good :( Their minds are not working well

I am atheist from Greece,love LGBT community :)

I am so sorry for all the pain we caused.

I am a Roman Catholic gay male. In my life I have seen many hyporcritical actions against gay people by people who are guilty of adultry, greed, gluttony, and plain hate.