LGBT Truth Game | Episode #1: My Answers

How did you get involved in Steemit?
My technologically savvy brother @theferalone introduced me to the platform. He always seems to be 2 steps ahead of me when it comes to these things so I count on him to let me know when the newest, greatest thing comes out. Although I am a little disappointed that he waited until he had been on Steemit a whole MONTH before he shared this hidden treasure with me.
What was your first week on Steemit like?
The best way I can describe it is a spastic, dramatic rollercoaster. So many ups and downs and surprises. I think I felt every emotion known to man during that first week. I went from hopeful to devastated, to frustrated, to elated, to confused to jealous and everything in between. There were times I felt like they may have to start a SA (steemaholics anonymous) meeting just for me and times when I felt I wasn’t good enough for the platform and should just give up.
Name of 3 steemians' work that you like
@cadwell: I love the lightheartedness and humor he brings while still being real and serious
@sykochica: she’s my steemit hero
@shawnamawna: I love her poetry. It’s always so profound. She inspires me to get back in touch with my poetic side.
Who gave you your first huge payout?
So I actually don’t think I’ve gotten a huge payout yet lol. Not sure what qualifies as huge but I’m pretty sure a few dollars doesn’t quite make the cut. I do believe @pharesim was one of the first people to give me like a $1 dollar upvote and you would of thought I won the lottery 🤑
What would you do with $5000 worth of Steem power?
1. FREAK OUT: complete with running around the house and possibly jumping up and down on the couch
2. Panic because with great power comes great responsibility and responsibility scares the crap out of me
3. Overthink every upvote
4. Contemplate quitting my job and then realize I’m getting way too far ahead of myself
5. Ask my wife @betterbeing what I should do with it and how I should delegate some of it cause she’s smart and I hate making decisions on my own
What gets you emotional?
“This Is Us”: a TV show who’s main goal is to make sure everyone is weeping by the end
Puppies and babies: their cuteness overwhelms me
Watching the value of my posts drop when steem is crashing
Omg!! This is so cool.
I love it.
Thank you for participating.
All of those varied emotions in my first few weeks on steemit! :)
Hahaha. I love your train of thought on the 5000 SP :') First get excited, than scared, then ask your smart wife ;-)
I also totally feel this: "Watching the value of my posts drop when steem is crashing"