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RE: Letters From Darwin - Understanding Probability With A Universe In A Box

in #lettersfromdarwin7 years ago (edited)

Reesteem. Nice to see the infinite monkey theorem applied here. But i like to disagree :D
Im not sure if the borel cantelli lemma isnt more binary then we biologists think it is

only IF there is infinite amount of time (wich is possibly not the case) THEN anything will happen

if there is no infinite amount of time, then most things are practicaly impossible (like life originating by random bruteforcing)

but however since evolution uses an intelligent algorithm (with selection + mutation) it does not depend on pure randomness (the monkeys)

it is like bruteforcing a SHA-256 generated private Key, not possible in practice even with quantum computation because it needs 256² iterations or something like this. But with an intelligent search alogorithm even the MIT cracked the Key of IOTAs Curl-Algorithm (which most people dont know) in no time.

*"intelligence" not in the sense of intelligent design (the blind watchmaker)

  • this is how to falsificate this logicaly without using speculative assumtions of multiverses (which has no proof at all...but of course its possible, like everything is possible, as longs as there is no certainty...which will never be the case)