
in #lessons7 years ago

So delicate the web of reality- silvery strings of illusion. What does it reflect —an existence: a mastery of magic —that time exists and to live is a journey. Where every closed door of perception opens a new reality: a broader dimension; a paradigm is shifted.

Surrender. Death. Renew. Transformation.

Pain and Love —bound in an extraordinary beat —a dance, a pulse; a swelling that ripples layer over layer. Fear and Acceptance— a gradual coalescence —a healing. Time does neither stop....

To avoid such intelligence is to reveal a contraction —-and if the purpose of the journey, is growth; change, then I lay my body to the ground and surrender my mind to my heart.

People surely come into your life to reflect your desires, needs, and beliefs. To open and serve up what you’ve denied or attempt to hide. To show you the very thing you believe you can’t have or don’t deserve or are afraid to experience. On the other hand, they reflect your strengths —mirror the very things that make you...unique. They share a reflection; a space in your heart and mind —-it feels like love clearly because it is a part of accepting self.

Some people highlight and bring forth a dark nature and others shine that which is already developed in light —-either one is delight.

Choose to be a student of life.

How do you choose THE ONE you accept to teach you the lessons in which you have yet to master?
There is not ONE but many.

The reminder to choose differently is a harsh one and I know the death will be prolonged —not one to hide so easily. Neither is it carved in stone....but a stone overturned.