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RE: The Global Reset--Agenda 21 and the New World Order (2020)

in #leofinance5 years ago

Dear @cyberblock

Once you understand what their agenda is and what they want to accomplish, everything starts to make perfect sense.

I agree with you. However it's also very clear to me, that there are many groups of powers having different goals and different directions.

And globalist lost it. They lost their "chance". Most movements across the globe are taking very opposite direction. And we have to mention, that finally China is taking more actions. And China will never support globalism in it's current form.

Once you know, then all this crazy shit happening doesn't seem so random.

Of course. You're right. None of it is random. However cause you're describing is just a thing of the past. Globalism is dead and nothing will resurect it. Unfortunatelly that also means, that very difficult and challenging times are ahead of us.

Yours, Piotr