We, the people, require full truth

in #lennythyme7 years ago


Listening to Katherine Austin Fitts explain exactly why we need a new non-economic system in the world. The fake news is that we live in a real world, we do not. The definition of what is real is what is not reported on television. We need to remove the internet as a competitive advantage and have it be a universal communication tool, not used for information discrimination.

The whole system is built on lies. There is not enough work to support we, the people as workers, especially with robotics. Money has a huge advantage over time, when you continue beyond death. Corporations do not function on human scale, so we need to withdraw from the corporate monetary system. This means redistributing all wealth by jubilee and measuring merit on such terms that amount of money has no merit factor.


Look up CAFR - comprehensive annual financial reports - papers that each form of governance uses to relay the state of their holdings. Governance lives off the backs of we, the people, where we, the people are not included in the games. Knowledge sequestration is a real problem - if we, the people cannot access real information on science, we, the people cannot do real science. Having patents and copyrights and total control by legal non-disclosure agreements discriminates against intelligence.


We were taught to respect lawyers, accountants, doctors, engineers, scientists and politicians. These elite professions have sold we, the people out - by chasing a system of control rather than freedom. Pulling the plug requires having a knew weigh - where we, the people take everything we thought we knew and weigh it to see if it is actually true. The algorithm that we work with needs to be clean and simple, to allow everyone to get it. Truth works.

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What are the lies? What are the truths? Let's explore that in reasonable discussion on the Knew Weigh Radio Show, Monday thru Friday at 7 am Pacific, 3 pm London time, 10 am in New York. The show airs on Steempunk Radio - which you can find on the tune-in app. If you would like a part of the two hour daily airtime to express your views, drop a note onto this post, or contact me thru discord.


See ya tomorrow,

Dr. Lenny Thyme, freelance alchemyst and radio talk show host



Preach brother, preach. +1 to you. Do you have any RSS Feeds for podcasts of the radio shows you are referring to?

Here are two episodes from last week. The first is a 9/11 tribute with interesting observations from Karen the social worker, the second is discussion of the red road with Bridget Lyn Dolgoff, an osteopathic shaman.

Is there a way to capture the RSS feed? I record an mp3, then have it converted to ewe-tewb format

I can help you if you like. I run a podcast hosting site - cyberears.com. Be happy to host your content as mp3 if you want to release it as a podcast. You just hand off the RSS URL feed to sites like iTunes and that is it. Each time you upload a new mp3 and add it to your podcast anyone that has subscribed to the feed will automatically download it. Like TiVo for audio. Let me know if I can help.

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Sound like we have a good match. Do you do discord? Here is the invite. I broadcast from the ornery chat room.

Free of charge offer., btw

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Here is the truth and nothing but the truth:


Have You Been Duped By Fake Q?
