All roads lead to the Rome (Part 3 of 3)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #legal-system7 years ago (edited)


How elites rule the world is complicated and long subject for many books. Lot to write about, but I imagine it's the best to write basic facts about manipulation which will show reader how we are manipulated from only few places on the Earth. I will write basic stuff which will show a lot, but in next posts after this series I will go to more details. I named this series 'Vatican deception' because big part of manipulation over population come from place we usually call Vatican. In part 1 (Link) and 2 (Link) I wrote about history of their claim they have authority over every land and soul on this Earth. Yes, they openly claim that. If you don't believe me, check part 1 & 2 of this series and you will understand what I'm saying...


Did you know Bar Association (professional body of lawyers) of any country isn't Bar Association of that country, then it is only franchise of the London Crown as all the chambers around the world. But this is not what students at law school are learning because their professors do not know that either. The United States government and it's 'legal' system are also under the control of 'Crown'. To understand, the Crown is not a British monarch, as is generally believed, but 'City', an independent state in London. 'City' or 'Crown' is actually the Church of the Knights Templar, also known as the Crown Temple or the Crown Templar, and is located between the Fleet Street and the Victorian Embankment. Temple land is
also the home of the Crown Office in Crown Office Row. The Crown Temple controls whole global 'legal' system, because all attorneys' chambers are franchised by the International Bar Association at the Inns of Court of the Crown Temple in Chancery Lane, London.All attorneys' chamber franchises are Crowns, and all lawyers around the world place a solemn oath to the Temple, though some may not be aware of it. Lawyers with a 'license' chamber must comply with their oath, promise, and loyalty to the Crown Temple if they wish to be "summoned to a lawyer" and work in a "legal" profession. The 'ruling' monarch is also subordinate to the Crown Temple, which lasts from King John's rule in the 13th century when royal sovereignty was transferred to the Temple of Christ and, through him, to the Church in Rome. King John (1167-1216) played a key role in this story. In January 1215 King John met in the Sanctuary or Chant of the Crown Court of the Inner Temple in England with the demands of English Barons to confirm the rights recorded in the Magna Carta Charter. When Magna Carta was signed in 1215, they claimed it is an event that will expanded human freedom, but the real impact was essentially different, as we will see. The 'governments' of the United States and Canada are also subsidiaries of the Crown Temple, as well as the US 'central bank', the Federal Reserve, the World Bank system, as well as a 'legal' system.

Franchise attorneys' chambers are assigned to the four Inns of Court Houses in Temple Bar. These are Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn and Gray's Inn. They are no less than exclusive secret societies without a charter or a statute. They themselves are the law. Inner Temple controls the legal system franchise for Canada and Britain while the Middle Temple is doing the same for the United States. Queen Elizabeth II is a member of both Temple.


At least five of the signers of the US Declaration of Independence were Bar attorneys who swore allegiance to the Crown! Another agent of the Middle Temple during the United States was Alexander Hamilton, who organized the American banking system in accordance with the plan of the New Kings Curriculum for the New United States ('the state is the legal entity of the Crown - the Crown Colony!'). Americans have been deceived to believe that the legal Crown colonies that made up New England were independent nation states, but they never were, and are not even today. There were still colonies of the Crown Temple, through patents and charter, without legal authority and independence from the authority and order of the Crown Temple. Legally, the state is a colony of the Crown Temple. No American people or the British queen possess America. The Crown Temple possesses America through the deception of those who have pledged allegiance to the Middle Templar Bar. Crown bankers and their Middle Templar attorneys rule over America through unlawful contracts, illegal taxes, and contract documents on fake citizens rights through debit fraud, strictly enforcing their completely illegal, but 'legal' orders, rules and court rules of the Crown Court, our so-called 'judiciary' in America. That's because the Temple of the Crown holds land rights and property charter for the whole of North America. The Seven Middle Inn Templars who swore allegiance to the Crown Temple (including Alexandre Hamilton) were among the members of the Constituent Assembly that signed the completed US Constitution. It's not surprise that copies of the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are on the wall of the Middle Temple Library in London. Finally, they were the force that stood behind one and the other. While the Templars of the Middle Bar coordinated the illusion of liberation from the apparent ruler of King George III, the King himself was also a worthy member of the same Middle Temple. 1776 is a year that will truly remain remembered as unlucky for all Americans. This is the year when the Crown colonies became legal crown states. The Declaration of Independence was a juridical act, not a legal document. Both sides signed the representatives of the Crown Temple. Legally, he announced that the status quo of the Crown Colonies was given the new legal name of the State as a property owned by the Crown. The American people are deceived to believe that they have declared their legal independence from the Crown. Evidence that the Colonies are still owned by the Crown uses the word 'State' that refers to 'legal property'. Had it really been a document from the people and the people, the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution would use the word 'state'. Using the word 'State', the meaning of rulership in land ownership was legally established. All the North American States are owned by the Crown Templars through their legal document, signed by their representatives in both contracting parties, known as the United States Constitution.


Britain and Ireland are owned by the Vatican's church. So the United States, together with Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland, controls the Crown Templars. But who is the owner of Crown Templars? Well, current pope, or rather those who control them...Jesuits. On May 15, 1213, King John, who was a Templar puppet, practically transcribed the Kingdom of England and Ireland on the Pope of Innocent III and the Church in Rome, witnessed by the Crown Templars. As King John said, *"I am a witness to the home of the Knights Templar."* In King John's charter, he wrote:

"We want to announce to you all through this charter, with our imprint... not forced by any force or fear, to our good and spontaneous will and to the common counsel of our barons, we offer and freely convey to God and His holy apostles Peter and Paul and our mother to the Holy Roman Church and our Lord Pope Innocent and his Catholic heirs, the whole kingdom of England and the whole kingdom of Ireland with all their rights and the pertinent privileges ... we are persuaded of the allegiance to him, to our Pope Innocent, and to his Catholic successors and to the Roman Church ... by committing our heirs and our predecessors to our wives forever, in a similar way, pledging allegiance to and honoring them who at that time would be the supreme chief, and the Roman church without objection. As a sign, we will have a permanent commitment and a concession ... from the corresponding and special revenues of our above mentioned kingdoms ... The Roman Church will receive a thousand sterling marks annually ... leaving us and our successors our rights, freedoms and royal privileges; and all of the above things, as described above, we want them to be valid permanently and firmly; and we commit ourselves and our heirs to not act against them. And if any of our descendants dare or try to do it, who ever it would be, unless warned to return to his kingdom and his mind, will lose the right to the kingdom, and this charter on our obligations and concessions will always remain firm."

Historical stories concentrate on the fact that with this charter the Crown pledged to pay money to the Roman Church, but also states that the "right to the kingdom" will be lost if the parts of this charter are violated. When King John, on June 15, 1215, signed Magnu Cartu, he violated the provisions of the charter given by the Pope, there by lost the right to his kingdom. Pope Innocent III then declared Magnu Cartu invalid. From that time, "the Crown" went from the monarch to the Knights Templars who, to this day, rule Britain for the benefit of the Roman Church. If we move forward with our thoughts...finally, through the Crown Temple, the Roman Catholic Church also owns the United States, Canada and all states and attorneys' chambers who (openly or secretly) are controlled by the Crown! That is why in the Peace Agreement between the American Colonies and the British Crown in 1783, it was written:

"As God's Providence was willing to make the decision of the most brilliant and powerful ruler of George III, the grace of God the King of the United Kingdom, France and Ireland, the defender of faith, Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg, Supreme Treasurer and Prince of the Holy Roman Empire etc., and the United States..."

It's irony that Roman-Catholic is forbidden to be a British monarch, but the monarch and the 'kingdom' have been owned by the Roman Catholic Church the whole time. The Roman Catholic Church - The Babylonian Church...but that is story for another article.

Many say that the world is ruled by masons because London is a litter of masons and almost all world leaders are masons. This is true, but it is also true that the masons came from the rows of Knights Templar, which was a church order. Also a huge number of world leaders are members of the Order the Malta who also have links to Knights Templars. In addition, all these great Masonic leaders come to the end in the Vatican's Royal Decree.

We can conclude that the whole world is divided into REGIONS. Within each REGION, REGISTER's are governed by the governments of the regions of the so-called REGIME (REGIONS) administers bureaucracy (REGIMEN). If we know that REGI in Latin means the King, it almost looks like this: "The whole world is divided into different kingdoms, ruled by kings rulers, whose only job is to administer the king's property through kings. Proof of that we can see from this:

The King sits on the Capitol - (the capital). Otherwise, the Capitol Hill is one of the seven hills where ROME is located. The Capitol or the Capitol was once the oldest fortress in Rome, erected on the hill of the same name, and there was the Temple of Jupiter. Jupiter was the supreme God of the pagan Babylonian - Roman religion, and the capital of Rome (the capitol). That is why today the major cities in English are called the "capitol". Actually, when you ask someone who is the capital, ask him where Jupiter is. In America it's Capitol Hill at D.C. Washington. The word captain is derived from the word capitol, which means a captain or a leader.

As you can see a lot of deceptions are going on. Unfortunately most of people don't have a clue about and they are easily manipulated. Even most of people who are trying to set people free don't have a clue about it. Not only that, most of lawyers and judges don't have a clue about this. Some of them know it, but most of them are completely ignorant. Next time when you will need lawyer, ask yourself who is he obligated to or the Bar Association which has obligation to follow orders from the Crown?!


Great articles! I will up vote when my steem power gets back to 100%. I just powered up today so my vote should be worth a penny.

hard to believe they are using Black Magick against us in these kangaroo courts. We curse each other everyday just by speaking certain words. It is all about language. Why is it called "spelling?" You caste a spell every time you speak. Why do you think it is called "cursive?" We curse each other everyday not realizing it. Cussing used to be called "cursing" for a reason LOL.

But I'm preaching to the quire HA HA

Yes, there is a lot to talk about, especially about words by which people are enslaved. Will write about words and much more soon.

Your comment is worth much more to me then your upvote brother! Looking forward to our virtual friendship! Ship...don't let me start why many word end up with -ship! 😛 😁

HA HA you're right... -ship. As in citizen"ship." Don't board the ship! When the judge leaves the courtroom he is "abandoning ship." The greatest example of this is Ernie Tertelgte in Montana 5 years ago. He is famous now. Another one of my hero's!

Abracadabra is a word that means...i speak therefore i create. How does one destroy the world? Write trash music so others that sing with it creates trash reality.

Yes i see what you're stating here @neo-wiza. I've studied this , in my youth i guess. Then spent much time distancing myself from social music, movies, etc.. the big partakers in the game of lies.

Many of these secrets are written in Qabbalah by Alister Crowley one of the most misinformed deviants in recent history.

Kabbalah is not evil, its not intended for everyone. There are ways a mystic can circumvent such actions taken against them.

Never forget the story of Bilal...the curses turned to be blessings. That is what will happen to these clowns.

People have the wrong interpretation of "Do What Thou Wilt." Life is a flower, wilt thyself. Meaning, life is what you make of it. Death and dying is inevitable so live the best life you can while we are here :-).

The Buddhist would say, "All life is suffering."

Bruce Lee would say, "As you think so shall you become."

And I say, "Life begins with an empty canvas. So paint you a good life." Not an evil one. Magick is both black and white.

Do no harm but stand your ground.


I'm not starting anything, just writing articles about Roman Catholic Church manipulations.

Your comment is (sort of) off topic from article and comments, so related to this article, don't know exactly what you mean.

Roman Catholic is a figurehead. I would argue invalid by today's norms.

Other then their internal struggle and large purse what power do they weild today?

If you keep researching you'll find out some of RCC belonged to the order of golden dawn. Whom derived much from various old worlds sources.

It is on topic. I'll refrain from future conversations.

You don't have to refrain from future conversations, I'm not your enemy. 🙂

Other then their internal struggle and large purse what power do they wield today?

Well, power to influence almost everything.

Yes, that power is weaker and weaker. Not only because they are exposed more every day, it's also people becoming self aware about a lot of thing. RCC can only influence events and people to some extend, but their true power don't exist. It only exist if people are dumb enough to trust their lies as truth.

He only have friend and not friendships!