Do you know what your learning style is?

Our brain has tremendous potential and one of the best ways to use this potential is to discover the best way in which you learn.

Each person has a distinct way of learning, these individual skills and preferences that help us to process and understand new information and experiences are known as learning styles. This means that we use all of our senses to learn, but most of us are strongest in one area.

Your natural learning preference or style dictates how your brain works most efficiently to process, comprehend and learn new information, and how easily or quickly you learn something new.

Fleming and Mills (1992) suggested four modalities and students can use the model to identify their preferred learning style and maximize their learning by focusing on the style that benefits them the most. The four sensory modalities in Fleming's model are:

  1. Visual learning: Visual learners understand and recall information better by seeing; their learning style requires that learners first see what they want to know. They like to see ideas, words and concepts associated with images, diagrams, graphics and outlines.

  2. Auditory learning: Aureal learners is a good way to learn because sometimes our brain understand better through sounds, and that allows us to process and retain information easily.

  3. Read/write learning: Reading and Writing learning is receiving and thinking about information by using printed text, including, manuals, reports and essays .They often write things down to remember them, and prefer studying from a book or notes rather than listening to a lecture. A read/write learner retains information best by using note-taking strategies and transcribing concepts and ideas. Most teachers and professors recommend that students take written notes and aside from taking notes during class, these type of learners get a lot out of re-reading and re-writing what they wrote down.

  4. Kinesthetic learning: this is a type of learning where people need to move their body to process new and difficult information. One of the characteristic features of these people is that they cannot be calm when they are learning something. This is not bad, you just have to know how to take advantage of the person's learning skills by implementing new techniques that favor their learning.

Although, there are people who are flexible in their learning preferences and they switch from style to style depending on what they are learning and there are others who have to had input or output of information in all of their preferred models. These people who do not have a standout style are defined as multimodal.

Discover your learning style and get good grades by using the way in which you learn best. Here you have the questionnaire!