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RE: What did you learn today?

in #learning7 years ago (edited)

A great post, coding and developing Apps is something I have been interested in learning but never had the time, it is on my list to learn when I have free time when I retire in a couple of years

I dont have any learning projhects as such at the moment other than always trying to learn more and improve my photography skills

PS 44 ohh to be that young agin LOL


I'm really enjoying it. Its such a great feeling when you load your own app (however basic) onto your phone. I've made 6 so far - all very very basic ones.

I love your photos. I particularly liked the boardwalk one late last week. It must be great o be able to look back over a few years worth and see how you are developing as a photographer.

@mandysimpson thats so cool, and thanks for your kind thought son my photos,
whenever I feel in a funk with my photos I look back a couple of years ago and see I am improving and get motivated again