Flashback My Steemit Account (Kilas Balik Akun Steemitku)
I joined steemian on January 31, 2017 (54 days ago) which was 2 times failed to join because it did not get a password from steemit password reply. With the help of my dear husband @ marzukidewantara made a new email and registered with the email on January 25, 2017 then exactly 1 week after registering, I got a reply in the form of a mixture of uppercase and small and very long numbers and that is the password of my steemit account.
My first post on February 3, was also helped by my husband because I have a little busy at the time. My first posting is an introduction of my personal data to all steemian, the post is complete with my education and work history including my hobbies, all sharply sharpened as razor blade. hi hi hi
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The next post is about my hobby as an orchid collector, about my work as a village counselor, writing and the content flows just like that and the format of writing is normal, not decorated with bold, italic or underline and the paragraphs are not uniform left-right it because I have not understand how to decorate the post, be advised still a beginner at that time.
Postingan saya juga pernah dikunjungi @cheetah karena dianggap plagiat, bahkan saya pernah membuat konten tentang pengalaman saya dikunjungi @cheetah, dan saya mendelete dan remove konten tersebut agar tidak dapat dilihat dan dibaca oleh orang lain.
My post has also been visited @cheetah because it is considered plagiarism, I even made content about my experience visited @cheetah, and I delete and remove the content so it can not be seen and read by others.
My post has also been commented by @pojan about the wrong link photo source link, because I just typed * source Image *, it should not be so. With these shortcomings and suggestions from my friends continue to learn and find out by membrousing on google about *** How to Create a Good Post for Beginners ***. And I get useful knowledge about good post from @ indonesia-trail and @abunagaya. Thanks for both.
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Pengaturan paragraf sejajar sisi kiri dan kanan
Paragraph setting is parallel to the left and right sides

Cara membuat konten dalam dua bahasa inggris dan indonesia atau sebaliknya
How to create content in both english and indonesian or vice versa
Membuat dalam bentuk kutipan, namun lebih efesien dalam pemakaian photo
Make in quotation form, but more efficient in photo usage
Belajar cara membuat Bold, Italic atau keduanya
Learn how to create Bold, Italic or both
Membuat tulisan dua kolom seperti tulisan pada koran
Make a two-column writing like writing on a newspaper
Membuat tabel dalam tulisan steemit
Create a table in steemit
Untuk Mendongkrak reputasi, saya juga pernah membeli jasa vote sehingga reputasi saja menjadi 38 saat ini. Namanya juga usaha
To boost the reputation, I also never bought a vote so reputation only becomes 38 at this time. His name is also business
Terima kasih kepada kawan-kawan yang telah mendukung saya dan memberi upvote kepada saya. Jasa kalian tak dapat terbayarkan.
Thanks to the friends who have supported me and gave upvote to me. Your services can not be paid.
Terima kasih juga kepada @hr1 yang telah mengunjungi postingan saya sehingga dapat mendongkrak reputasi saya,
Thanks also to @ hr1 who has visited my post so it can boost my reputation,
Yes. Just like the flashback of my steemit account. I will keep trying to improve and make the content better and more interesting with new things. With the help of my friends all thanks as much as possible.
Posting buk aspariah bagus..
Tapih lebih bagus lagi kakak posting lewat @busy.org atau lewat aplikasi esteem biar di vote @good-karma biar nilai vote lebih tinggi
wahh ini sangat luar biasa buk @aspariahmarzuki, semoga kedepannya lebih baik lagi dan pantang menyerah. salam
Sama tht ngon perjuangan lon cek
Luar biasa perjuangan ibuk d steemit lanjut semangt buk sampai barhasil