**Leaky gut epidemic caused by candida , how to reverse it with a miracle drink , exposing the holistic doctors**

in #leaky-gut7 years ago (edited)


Leaky Gut Symptoms

These tiny holes into our gut causes inflammation throughout your system and then all kind of symptoms will start to develop .
But you've seen this many times on different blogs . Lemme you wake you up even more by saying all of these conditions are caused by one thing ; Candida !
Then all of the other foreign organisms like parasites and weaponized viruses think it's open door day and try to settle in .
The overgrowth of candida makes your body the perfect environment to live and thrive in.
They come in and attach to the candida , they dock onto it and it's called protein docking .
Jillian will go into much deeper detail about all of this , into her book and her video's that i'm about to upload in the next coming days . So back to the symptoms candida and parasites cause ...

** Before you read these , just in case you didn't know already ... Big Parma and Biotech have invented a different name of disease for every little symptom we have , so they can sell us a pill for it . There is only one disease actually and it all starts with candida ! Parasites come after that and cause even more damage **

  • Food sensitivities : gluten intolerance , lactose intolerance ... ( parasites cause holes into your gut lining causing the gluten protein particles to go into your bloodstream then those undigested protein parts get attacked by our immune system hence you get an itching reaction for example )
  • Thyroid conditions ; Hashimoto's thyroiditis ( 12 systems are offline in the body and nothing is working synergistically anymore , hence you got hormone imbalance )
  • Fatigue ; lack of energy because you can't absorb the nutrients ( parasites steal your nutrients )
  • Joint pain : Arthritis ( caused by parasites living into the muscle tissues and tendons )
  • Migraines ; constant headaches ( nanobots attaching to nerve endings , parasites living in the brain , the brain is not getting enough nutrients )
  • Skin issues , think of eczema , psoriasis , itchy skin ... ( the feeling of bugs crawling under your skin can be larva from the parasites hatching into your body like little spiders hatch , i know it sounds gross but that's the sad reality )
  • Digestive problems , fat malabsorption , gerd /acid reflux , bloating ( can also be caused by improper food combining ie. eating fruits with fats or protein . One of the important reasons is also parasites living in the upper digestive tract causing havoc on that part of the body )
  • Weight gain or underweight ( Parasites stealing all your nutrients cause you to be underweight , with overweight it's the candida and those parasites causing you to crave sugar and other crappy food because they have a conscious of their own . Don't forget they want to survive ! They can manipulate the host . )
    -Immune diseases ; Crohns , Lyme ...

Heal and seal your leaky gut with a magical fermented juice called the JJ

JJ ?? What's that all about ?
It stands for "Jillian-Juice" , the founder of this fermented cabbage or kale juice is Jillian Mai thi .
One of the smartest people I've met in my journey to heal when it comes to understanding the body .
This blog is dedicated to her unique and mind blowing protocol .
I've been around the Holistic block , and have tried all the diets . Nothing worked !
Until one of my awesome friends that is also having her own healing journey called Lynn told me about this .
She said to start reading and watching all of her files , I did ... It all clicked like a puzzle .
It all made sense to me , and now I'm here supporting her in every way possible because she gave me my health back . Plus fighting for humanity and waking them the fuck up sounds like fun and someone needs to do it .
Enough about me ...

I've already posted a whole recipe for the juice so I won't get into that now .
In short , it's a fermented drink you can make for penny's at home without probiotic starters like almost all Holistic doctors make you buy these days and many other expensive supplements .
It's a total scam because the good Lactobacillus are already present and living on the cabbage .

Quotes they use are '' Well you will never know what you are brewing so it's best to use our starter .
Or they say things like '' I would stay away from fermented foods because it can cause " histamine intolerance reactions " when actually it's just the body finally healing itself ,
purging out microbe viruses through the skin that were dormant deep within the cells that can cause itching and redness . ( like hives )
Most of them know it's healing us , but they don't want all of their customers to be healing 100% .
They give us 50% good advice and 50% bad . Their whole market is based upon this !!
Sure some of them promote kimchi because they have some good probiotics in there .
But can you eat a pound of kimchi ? No ... most of us can't . It's the same thing with sauerkraut !
They promote sauerkraut as a side dish , and sure it may alleviate some symptoms but it sure as hell isn't enough to strengthen your immune system to actually do massive cell regeneration .
That's the difference with the JJ , it's a freaking juice so you can infuse your body with it .
Flood your cells , give your body all the nutrients , minerals from the salt , little front-line soldiers called Lactobacillus and actually give your body a chance to fight back .
Most holistic doctors know massive amounts of fermented cabbage cause us to heal our gut ,
so they tell us not to eat too much of it . Most allopathic doctors even tell us to stay away from fermented foods !!
Because if their customers heal to quickly then they will never come back to buy their shitty supplements or pills .
They keep us sick and in a vicious circle , depending on their expensive pills , herbs and tinctures.
You can't even absorb those synthetic supplements anyways with our leaky gut .
The same counts for raw veggies , that's why the fermentation of the cabbage in Jillian her drink makes the nutrients bio-available since the probiotics in it predigest it and then poop it out :) .
We are like little birds with our compromised gut these days, they also can't digest food very well . That's why mommy bird eats it , then she digests it in her stomach , then pukes it out into those fluffy baby birds mouths . :D
The fermented drink is doing exactly that , predigesting it for us .

enter image description here

To jump back on those healing symptoms ... The holistic industry calls it " die-off " . Jillian calls it " healing symptoms " because that is exactly what your body is doing . It finally has the nutrients it's been craving for so long , the minerals and electrolytes from the good salt .
This brings your immune system back online and gives it the power to actually go after those foreign objects like candida , parasites , weaponized viruses , nano-bots even from chemtrails and vaccines .
After drinking the JJ you feel rumbling in your stomach , that's the immune system going after those critters that don't belong in there . The Lactobacillus are like tiny soldiers , an army to fight and help your immune system together with your white blood cells to finish of some of them nasty beasts we all have in us . Lactobacillus is the natural enemy of parasites , fungus like candida ... they literally shit their pants and run away . Then they get bitch-slapped in the face , and sucker-punched into the toilet . That's why we pee through our butt after drinking the juice and it's called waterfalls .
FYI ; Most people think her juice is so healing because of the Lactobacillus in it .
Well it's not only about that . It's more about the vitamins and nutrients in the cabbage or kale and the electrolytes and those precious minerals from the good salt . Water and salt acts like a conductor in the body hence giving us energy and the bringing the 12 systems back online again .
This all works synergistic together and causes rapid cell regeneration .

I will upload a good video from Jillian that talks about this tomorrow .

Keep on JJ .


Hi Kevin! jax here...[my online nickname] Nice article. I'm printing it. I just want to ask you one thing that I have refrained from asking in the group and could not find by doing a search there. How do we retain the nutrition of the JJ when we eliminate it all or most of it with the WFs so quickly? For this reason, losing the nutrition, the WFs seem counter-productive.

Hi Jax, Our bodies are smarter then ourselves. They absorbs the nutrition into the cells. It has been deprived of nutrients for decades so it will not purge those nutrients out believe me.

ok that makes a lotta sense.