
in #lawlast month

What if I told you private media and security companies put an electric generator inside everyone’s house

What if I told you it was designed to make people look stupid on television and take their pocket money by activating their telephone, And sending their money to another place

What if I told you there’s billions of these machine machines around the world

What if I told you that every single item inside your house had a metal plate and was magnetic

What if I told you that somebody could talk into the machine, And it can use voice recognition to pick up objects, using magnets and move them around your house

What if I told you would somebody investigate you using a court of law these machines all over the world activate simultaneously

In tendo with chemical sensors
Video monitors
Sound monitors

What if I told you they can rob any amount from any bank account instantly

What if I told you they can’t even tell the difference between you talking to your television set or your neighbors