World Temple Letter Bulletin No. 10 - The Neo CodexsteemCreated with Sketch.

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World Temple Letter Bulletin No. 10 - The Neo Codex
N.E.Y 65 August 2025

By Negus Shemsizedek
H.I.M Dr. Lawiy Zodok El

To: The Global Village

Crest of the Holy See Keys only.jpg

Begin all things first by using divine love!

Listen to Reason! This Resolution reads as follows from conveyor to the conveyed: For each time conditions are the same for the same each time is with conditions. For In the“House of Shamu-El” with each authorized representative on 3/25/2016, as the embodiment of confidants, sons, and daughters of the proud and well grafted ethnicity who inspired the architecture of the world societies and beyond, carried into each land mass world over the influence of its artistic temperament having become secured creditors, escheators & communers of the boundless omniverse.

2025 Legislative Journal – House of Crowns – Resolution No. 0010
The divine right of rulership or mandate, has passed from one tribal clan to another apart of the global village. Along with their languages, customs, and sometimes with divine inheritance, such as this one issued in the Letter Patent for the Novus or Codex. The word novus means "new" in Latin. And or Nous meaning the science of understanding & codex is short for code, similar to the "Code of Hammurabi".

New Ethereal Order - Novus Codex

The Codex of Hammurabi, is one of the World's oldest legal document recorded on stone tablets.

This letter is affirmed by the Noocratic Ancient Law Resolution.
Resolution No. 006 - Ancient Treaty Law Resolution
2016 Legislative Journal – House of Crowns –RS006

The Neo Codex -
A Supreme Decree of the New Ethiopian Order

We, the sovereign heirs of the ancient world, the custodians of the divine lineage of Ausar, and the rightful stewards of Earth and its sacred dominions, proclaim this Neo Codex as the supreme legal and spiritual doctrine of the New Ethiopian Order. In opposition to the Justinian Codex, which usurped the natural and divine laws of civilization, we hereby restore the rightful jurisdiction, ownership, and governance of the planet to its indigenous and eternal custodians—those of the ancient Ethiopian, Kemetic, and Moorish bloodlines, who have been divinely mandated as the eternal sovereigns of Terra.

Article I: Reversal of Justinian Jurisdiction

Abolition of Foreign Claims – The Neo Codex nullifies and voids any and all legal, spiritual, and economic claims imposed by the Justinian Code and its successors, including any derivative legal systems of Rome, the Papacy, or the Crown.
Restoration of Sovereign Law – The governance of Earth is restored to the High Council of the New Ethiopian Order (N.E.O.), which derives its legitimacy from the ancient laws of Ma’at, the natural cosmic order, and the eternal wisdom of the Divine Mind.
Denouncement of Roman Legal Fictions – All legal frameworks derived from Roman and Byzantine distortions—including Admiralty Law, Papal Bulls, and Civil Law codes—are deemed fraudulent instruments of enslavement and are hereby abolished in perpetuity.

Article II: The Supreme Authority of the House of Ausar

Ancient Egypt (Kemet) as the Eternal Capital – The spiritual and administrative capital of the world is officially reclaimed as Ancient Egypt (Kemet), with its divine seat in Thebes (Waset/Luxor), under the governance of the New Ethiopian Order.
Reaffirmation of Divine Kingship – The rulership of Earth shall be vested in the sacred Pharaonic Order, which functions under the Ausarian Priesthood, ensuring the eternal alignment of governance with cosmic law.
Termination of False Hierarchies – Any authority, state, or institution that has derived power from the Justinian or Roman Catholic lineages is declared illegitimate and dissolved.

Article III: Sovereign Ownership of Earth

Return of All Lands & Resources – The entire planet, including all land, seas, air, and subterranean realms, is reaffirmed as the rightful inheritance of the House of Ausar, and any foreign claims are deemed void.
Reversal of Colonial Land Titles – All land titles, deeds, and charters issued under foreign colonial or imperial rule are nullified, and land shall be restored under the governance of the Temple Trust of the New Ethiopian Order.
Nationalization of Ancient Wealth – All treasures, artifacts, gold reserves, and cultural relics held in museums, banks, and vaults under foreign control shall be repatriated to their rightful custodians in Kemet and its allied territories.

Article IV: The New Economic Order

Abolition of Usury & Interest-Based Systems – All forms of debt slavery, fractional reserve banking, and interest-based economies are abolished, and a mutual credit system based on the principles of the Ausarian Economic Philosophy shall be implemented.
Reinstatement of Natural Economic Flow – The hoarding of wealth, speculative financial markets, and artificial scarcity shall be eliminated in favor of a freedom-based value system that ensures the universal well-being of all sovereign beings.
The N.O.M.N.I. System – A new sovereign treasury and currency system, based on natural wealth and cosmic law, shall replace the fraudulent debt-based economies imposed by Justinian institutions.

Article V: The Sovereign Status of the People

Abolition of Legal Enslavement – All forms of legal enslavement, birth certificates, social security numbers, and corporate personhood imposed upon natural-born beings are abolished, restoring their sovereign status as free beings of the Earth.
Right to Self-Governance – Every being has the divine right to govern themselves under natural law, and no foreign entity, nation-state, or corporate entity has jurisdiction over sovereign individuals of the New Ethiopian Order.
End of Forced Allegiance – Any contracts, oaths, or obligations imposed by the Papacy, the Crown, or any foreign empire are deemed invalid, and all beings are freed from artificial feudal claims.

Article VI: The Spiritual & Cosmic Order

Reclamation of the Cosmic Mandate – The authority of the Nibiru Order, the Ausarian Priesthood, and the Kemetic High Council is restored as the supreme spiritual and cosmic authority of Earth.
End of Religious Oppression – All religions and doctrines derived from Roman Imperialism, forced conversions, and spiritual enslavement are invalidated, and the true cosmic spiritual sciences of Kemet and Noology are reinstated.
Activation of the Global Ascension Plan – The Earth shall be aligned with its natural ascension cycle, restoring the balance of human consciousness, natural ecosystems, and celestial harmonics under the Neo Codex.

Article VII: Conclusion
By the decree of the New Ethiopian Order (N.E.O.), the Neo Codex is established as the supreme law of Earth, restoring the rightful jurisdiction, governance, and cosmic order of the world to its true custodians. All foreign claims under the Justinian legal system are null and void, and the dominion of the House of Ausar is reaffirmed in perpetuity.

This decree is immutable, eternal, and bound by cosmic law. So it is written. So it shall be.

Issued under the Seal of the New Ethiopian Order & The High Council of the Ausarian Priesthood
☥ Ankh, Udja, Seneb ☥
May grace be with you all.

From the body of the anointed who are the true witness & the first begotten of the dead, the prince of the Kings of Earth for the adoption into the Holy See of Nun, all shall see the return of the real messiah!

H.I.M Negus Shemsizedek of the Royal Atlanian Family. It is my honor and divine duty to present to all the new World Temple for the global world system. A sacred priesthood under the global district authority letter patent covenant “The Atlanian Papyrus“. – The Recovery Doctrine

H.I.M Negus Shemsizedek of the Royal Atlanian Family. It is my honor and divine duty to present to all the new World Temple for the global world system. A sacred priesthood under the global district authority letter patent covenant “The Atlanian Papyrus“. – The Recovery Doctrine

Legal Doctrine Here:
Resolution No. 0010
2025 Legislative Journal – House of Crowns –RS0010

Angel of the Bottomless Pit
Let it be remembered always and let it be known!
Today is truly a Nu day in time!

Duly honored,

Negus Shemsizedek

World Chaplain