You Must Know WHAT is CRIME?
Meaning of CRIME
A Crime is an act or omission which is prohibited by law. A crime is injurious to the public. It is punished by the state for the welfare of public at large. A crime is a social offence. Disobedience to a command or prohibition made with reference to a matter affecting public peace, order, or good Government to which a sanction is attached, by way of punishment or pecuniary penalty, in the interests of the State by way of punishment or as a whole, and not by way of compensation for the injury which the act or omission may have caused to an individual.
Definition of CRIME
In its broad sense, it can be understood that it is an act of commission or omission which is baneful to the society in general. But all acts tending to the prejudice of the community are not "CRIMEs", unless they are punishable under the law. Many attempts have been made to define crime but they failed to discover the most scientific definition workable in all class. Hence it is often stated: "FORMULATION OF A PRECISE DEFINITION ON CRIME IS ONE OF THE THEORY INTELLECTUAL PROBLEMS OF LAW".
The Law is purposive. The Law and the crime are ever changing according to the Society changes. From the generation to the generation, the social and economical needs change. Therefore, the Criminal Law and the crimes are neither static nor absolute.
The criminal law is amended as per the social needs, and soceity changes. It differs from country to country, area to area, from time to time. Adultery is a civil wrong and not an offence under the English Law. But it is an offence under Indian Law. The burning of wife, called as the "SATI SAHA GAMANAM" on the funeral pyres of her husband was praised before the eighteenth century in india. Lord william bentinck had banned by a law in 1829. Few agitations against that law arouse, but gradually the sati practice was reduced. But now the practice of sacrifice on the funeral pyres of husband is seriously banned and the abettors are punishable with rigorous imprisonment under the law. Therefore, the criminal law is neither static nor absolute. The Criminal law changes according to the social, political and economical changes.
Up to thirty-forty years back, the environmental pollution was not recognised as an offence. After the Stockholm Declaration, 1972, all the countries, began to legislate on the prevention of the environmental pollution, and brought the activities of polluting the environment,ecology and atmosphere into the sphere of criminal and tortuous liabilities. The Indian Parliament also enacted several environmental protection laws, imposing criminal and tortuous liabilities upto the industrialists.
Up to the beginning of the twentieth century, the slavery was prevailed. The Negros were confiscated in Africa as the animals and were taken to America, and other western countries. The selling, harassing, even killing slaves was legally up held then. Gradually the slavery system was eradicated. The blacks were given equal rights in America,etc.
Up to 1950s the principles of "police state","Caveat emptor" rules prevailed in all the countries. Now the democratic principles, such as "Welfare State","Caveat venditor",etc., have been recognised and have become popularized throughout the world. Now the occupier/owner is punished for his negligent conduct.