Underage Boys Usually Get Away With Rape
Back in 1988, a sex scandal broke involving the actor Rob Lowe. Then-24-year-old Rob Lowe got into trouble for producing a skin flick that involved a 16-year-old girl named Jan Parsons while he was in Atlanta, Georgia to attend the National Democratic Convention. The statutory age of consent in Georgia at the time was 14 years old. However, the applicable pornography laws made it illegal for anyone to make a sexually explicit videotape involving a minor no matter how old that minor was. That is, 18 years old was the magic number in that event.
To make a long story short, Mr. Lowe ended up agreeing to a very light sentence that involved his teaching juvenile delinquents as a form of community service. I know how weird it all appears. That is, Mr. Lowe got convicted of a crime for videotaping a sex film with a minor and he got sentenced to become a teacher to minors for a given period of time. However, let’s not forget that these events all took place in the 1980s rather than here in the 21st century. Actress Cybill Shepherd spoke about Mr. Lowe’s confrontation with the law in this regard with venom in her voice during a television interview.
Nevertheless, Mr. Lowe continues to prosper in show business to this very day at the seasoned age of 56. I honestly don’t believe that he is currently a danger to anyone or to society as a whole. He was a young man back in 1988 who got carried away with his fame and fortune and ultimately pushed the boundaries as much as he could without going to prison for all eternity. Would he have gone to prison for a lengthy period of time if he had been anybody else other than who he was? It is difficult to say.
The question that many of you may also be asking is whether the criminal justice system would have gone as lightly on Mr. Lowe if these same events had taken place today. Okay. I believe that you’re asking a fair question. Let’s find out.
A YouTube influencer in his mid-twenties has been the topic of discussion on the Internet over the past five years more or less. His name is Austin Jones. Music is his specialty. He recently was convicted of serious crimes for convincing a group of adolescent girls younger than 18 years of age to expose their bare buttocks to him on camera over the Internet. He had no sexual contact with any of these teenage girls, but the authorities obviously thought that his actions to persuade these girls to show their bare backsides to him was enough to haul him into court and send him to The Big House.
Like every sex scandal that we read or hear about nowadays, there are two sides to this story or more like two different positions to this matter. Below are two videos by YouTuber Mista GG explaining the events regarding this matter and YouTuber Mista GG’s opinion of Austin Jones and his actions. However, please be warned and brace yourselves, because YouTuber Mista GG was once a loyal fan of Chris Hansen. Therefore, you cannot expect him to show any sympathy for Austin Jones regarding all the hot water in which he ended up. Let’s just say that he doesn’t praise him in either one of his videos.
YouTuber Mista GG Describes The Austin Jones Sex Scandal In His Own Words
YouTuber Mista GG Provides His Opinion Regarding Austin Jones’s Sentence
After watching both of these two videos, it becomes clear that the criminal justice system came down on Austin Jones much harder than it did on Rob Lowe for committing virtually the same offense. Then again, we are talking about the 21st century versus the 1980s in light of how the criminal justice system deals with these matters.
YouTuber Black Pill Presentations, on the other hand, expresses his opinion that the criminal justice system should have left Austin Jones alone, in his YouTube video below. YouTuber Black Pill Presentations uses his video mostly to criticize the statutory-age-of-consent laws here in the United States of America, but I do have to hand it to him that he is brutally honest in delivering his presentation.
YouTuber Black Pill Presentations Defends Austin Jones
While I was watching YouTuber Black Pill Presentations’ video, I got a kick out of his statement that most adult men who verbally condemned other adult men for engaging in non-Platonic relationships with adolescent girls younger than the statutory age of consent in their state jurisdiction would have jumped at the opportunity to hook up with an underage adolescent girl themselves if it were ever to present itself to them with guaranteed impunity. His statement brought to mind this one episode of The Montel Williams Show that I saw so many years ago about precociously developed girls in their early teenage years and even pre-teenage years.
In that one episode of The Montel Williams Show, a bunch of adult men cheered and whistled when Montel Williams brought these young girls out on stage as his panel of guests. These same girls were either in middle school or just starting high school. Then after a bunch of men in the audience booed at a group of men in their late teens and older who had dated these girls against the wishes of their parents as they were coming out on stage to seat themselves, Montel Williams smiled and pointed out that those men in the audience who were booing were the same ones who had whistled and cheered on the young girls on the guest panel back when they were first walking out onto the stage.
The comments section for YouTuber Black Pill Presentations’ video above was loaded with fierce arguments over the question of what the statutory age of consent should be throughout our nation and how those same laws should read on the books. I congratulate the YouTubers who were not afraid to speak up against the Puritanical Establishment regarding this issue and the likes. Some of the YouTubers who posted comments to antagonize YouTuber Black Pill Presentations and his supporters were the epitome of collective stupidity.
This one YouTuber who goes by the user name of MinecraftSlayer69 presented this one faulty argument in which he did a comparison between the topic of murder and the topic of sex laws pertaining to teenagers. He is one of those dunces who believe that the worldwide statutory age of consent should be 25 years old. Wowww!!! Wouldn’t all the pedophiles just love him for stretching the authorities out thinly enough to make their predatory pursuits much easier? I mean, the police would be so busy chasing after 30-year-old men for hooking up with college girls that they wouldn’t have enough time to catch all the real kiddie diddlers who go frequenting playgrounds to kidnap toddlers for immoral purposes.
In the comments section of YouTuber Black Pill Presentations’ video above, YouTuber MinecraftSlayer69 stated:
. . . you know what an 8 year old and a 14 year old have in common? THEY’RE BOTH F–– CHILDREN.
No, no, no, YouTuber MinecraftSlayer69! It is not as simple as that. There is a world of a difference between an 8-year-old and a 14-year-old.
First of all, if you read my Steemit article titled “Can Children Sexually Victimize Adults?”, it becomes no secret that 14-year-old boys do rape and have raped adult women significantly older than them. YouTuber MinecraftSlayer69? If you’re reading this Steemit article here of mine and you’re able to find a story about an 8-year-old boy who has brutally raped an adult woman, then I will be the first to agree with you on everything that you have posted in the comments section of YouTuber Black Pill Presentations’ video above.
Second of all, 14-year-old boys get 13-, 12-, 11- and sometimes even 10-year-old girls pregnant and then misuse these same girls’ predicaments to abuse and even exploit them. YouTuber MinecraftSlayer69? Do you know any 8-year-old boy who has gotten a teenage girl pregnant and then has slut-shamed her to all of her peers or has even done worse to her in that same regard? As I stated previously, if you can introduce me to one, I will be the first to admit that I am wrong and that you are right. However, I honestly don’t think that you can take on my challenge.
Third of all, 14-year-old girls have been known to create fake profiles on the Internet to misrepresent themselves as being 18, 19 or 20 years old or even older to fool adult men into going to bed with them. YouTuber MinecraftSlayer69? Do you know of any 8-year-old girl who has ever done anything of that nature? You probably don’t. Therefore, I rest my case.
A protective parent would likely be very upset if they found out that a 14-year-old boy was having sexual intercourse with their 13-year-old daughter, and they would likely even forbid that young boy from ever seeing their daughter again. However, if that same parent were to find out that a 14-year-old boy was having sexual intercourse with their 8-year-old daughter, their course of action would be much harsher than that of the previous scenario and rightfully so.
An 8-year-old child’s world consists of Saturday morning cartoons, crayons, toys, money from the Tooth Fairy, and letters to Santa Claus. It is not in their best interest for their world of innocence to cross-pollinate with the teenage dating scene or any of the sexual indiscretions that goes on in the world of pubescence and adolescence. There is no single one-size-fits-all definition of childhood in the English dictionaries that get published here in our nation. Therefore, YouTuber MinecraftSlayer69’s arguments fall flat on their back.
Nevertheless, this Steemit article here of mine is not mainly about the topic of statutory-rape laws or whether or not they are fair. Most of us know what happens to an adult man here in the United States of America if the authorities ever catch him crossing over into the so-called forbidden zone of adolescence whenever he is seeking to entertain himself in a sexual manner, and I gave examples to that effect previously herein. However, you will be shocked to know that whenever a teenage boy who is legally too young to vote rapes an underage girl, society and the law will go easy on him and even go as far as coddling him.
A. Underage Adolescent Girls Appear To Be Taken More Seriously Whenever Their Sexual Victimizer Is An Older Adult Man Than When He Is A Male Peer
The stories of two YouTubers caught my attention in that they both showed the blatant disparity between how society and the law treat an underage adolescent girl who has suffered sexual abuse or rape at the hands of an adult man and how it treats an underage adolescent girl who has done so at the hands of a young boy the same age as her or close to her in age difference. We first begin with the YouTube video below of YouTuber Courtney Blue describing her alleged ordeal as a 13-year-old girl with a 22-year-old man nearly a decade earlier.
YouTuber Courtney Blue Alleges That A Man Nearly A Decade Older Than Her “Molested” Her When She Was 13 Years Old
The way I feel about Courtney is that if this older man really violated her and sexually victimized her, then I consider her to be courageous and I say “more power to her.” However, the problem that I am having with her presentation in her video is that there are holes in her story and flaws in her reasoning that cause me to question her candor.
When Courtney is describing the then-22-year-old man whom she claims to have “molested” her when she was 13 years old, she makes a point that it wasn’t as though he was a 15-year-old boy still learning right from wrong. Courtney? Fifteen-year-old boys are already supposed to know right from wrong, and your presentation already begins to reek with pedophile-panic propaganda.
When 15-year-old boys rape little girls under the age of eleven, they know that what they’re doing is wrong. Below is a YouTube video with a news clip about a 14-year-old boy who raped an 8-year-old girl in Baltimore, Maryland.
A 14-Year-Old Boy Got Arrested For Raping An 8-Year-Old Girl
Courtney? If you looked at the video directly above about the 14-year-old Baltimore boy who raped an 8-year-old girl, I don’t see how you cannot even grasp the fact that this punk was fully aware of what he was doing and that he had ruined that little girl’s life; and he was not even yet 15 years old. Therefore, what planet are you from in stating that a 15-year-old boy is still learning right from wrong?
In my Steemit article titled “Can Children Sexually Victimize Adults?”, I describe an incident in which a young boy broke into a 64-year-old woman’s residence in Ohio and brutally raped her when he was only 14 years old. He got convicted and sentenced to time behind bars when he was 15 years old. Luckily, the prosecutor in that matter was able to try him as an adult and have him sentenced accordingly after he was convicted.
Courtney? If your assailant had been 14 or 15 years old, your situation might have been much worse than it was inasmuch as he would have had more opportunities to access you than the then-22-year-old man did. Why? He would have been able to get to you more easily inasmuch as nobody would have suspected him of any wrongdoing as quickly as they would have done so with the then-22-year-old man. For example, you mentioned about your sister finding suspicious communications to you on your cell phone from your then-22-year-old assailant. If those communications had been from a 14- or 15-year-old boy, your sister would have thought that he was just one of your regular same-age suitors and she would not have asked you to tell her what had really happened; and you may never have told her or anyone at all. As I have stressed in previous Steemit articles of mine and I will stress again and again, teenage boys in middle school and high school have the most access to underage girls and the most opportunities to abuse them sexually and even rape them.
Male teenage minors even know how to manipulate society into feeling sorry for them after committing heinous crimes as I described above. Take the example of Avion Lawson in the Dunbar Village case that happened in West Palm Beach, Florida back in 2007. When Avion Lawson was only 14 years old, he and up to nine other youths brutally gang-raped a 35-year-old woman in her residence; and they also committed atrocities against her 12-year-old son. In the news clip in the YouTube video below, Avion Lawson actually had the audacity to insist that he was somehow FORCED into raping this same woman.
Avion Lawson Makes An Excuse For Having Raped A 35-Year-Old Woman When He Was 14 Years Old
Now, I saw the 2001 movie titled Things Behind The Sun that was based upon a true story about a group of teenage boys who gang-raped a 14-year-old girl and others like her, and I know that a 14-year-old boy in that film was forced by his older brother and his friends into raping his 14-year-old girlfriend. I would consider the possibility that the young boy who was coerced into committing a rape against the very girl that he loved was just as much of a victim as the young girl herself under those circumstances. However, here is the problem that I am having with Avion Lawson’s excuse in his interview above. I find that it is way too conveniently timed to be beyond suspicion. It makes no sense that he waited as long as he did to come out with this same excuse, if he is even telling the truth, that is.
Courtney? I would hope that you would be able to reason from everything that I have described to you and have shown you herein that 15-year-old boys do already know right from wrong and they can be even more dangerous to 13-year-old girls than adult men. If you are really telling the truth about what happened to you nearly a decade earlier, I somehow don’t envision that you would treat it as any less tragic than it was if your assailant had been a boy the same age as you or close to you in age difference.
Getting back to the subject of Courtney Blue’s YouTube video further back herein, I must note that she doesn’t have a police report to support her story. Okay. I realize that this crime she alleges to have been a victim of is probably among the most under-reported crimes in our nation. However, it is strange that her sister and her mother also chose not to go to the police and report this crime after she told them about it.
Now, I’m not mindless of Courtney’s statement that she felt that she simply could not get on a witness stand in a courtroom full of people and describe all the details of what her then-22-year-old assailant did to her. If that is the case, then I commend her for at least being able to tell her story on YouTube.
Also, if Courtney is telling the truth about her alleged ordeal and she really didn’t want to face this man in court, then it would only make sense that our elected officials pass laws that would make minors legally immune to contempt-of-court charges whenever they refuse to testify in underage sex cases. Of course, prosecutors would not want to give up that one legal weapon of theirs that allows them to coerce minors into testifying against someone against whom they do not wish to testify on the witness stand. In other words, if the authorities had found out about Courtney’s alleged incident and Courtney had refused to testify, she could have been charged with contempt of court depending on the state jurisdiction where this incident took place.
Where I find myself becoming suspicious that Courtney is attempting to present a pedophile-panic political campaign rather than an actual story about being “molested” at 13 years old is when she begins going into her rant on why she believes that her then-22-year-old assailant would qualify to be a pedophile. She explains that she has very little cleavage at the age of 22, which is her age upon posting her YouTube video. Then she highlights the fact that her breasts had barely begun to form back when she was 13 years old.
It appears that Courtney is trying to establish that her bodily development was still in Tanner Stage 1 when she was 13 years old, and, therefore, her then-22-year-old assailant’s sexual attraction to her would make him a pedophile. I am not completely ruling out her contention as being so, because the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (“DSM-5”) does normally place the cutoff point at 13 years old (or 11 years old under certain circumstances) to determine whether an adult man is a pedophile if that man is no longer a teenager and the 13-year-old girl is a prepubescent child whose bodily development is still in Tanner Stage 1, which is quite rare although possible. However, that aspect alone would still not suffice to determine whether or not this man really was a pedophile. A psychiatrist would still need to diagnose him as one in a formal manner.
In her YouTube video, Courtney throws in the term “grown-ass man,” which is a favorite term of self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts. I am not implying that her use of this *ghetto-like slang term detracts from the credibility of her story, but I seem to hear this same term often whenever some self-proclaimed child advocate or self-appointed pedo-expert is firing off his or her mouth regarding a juvenile-justice-related matter that they either don’t know enough about or are unable to prove. (*Note – I intend no offense to anyone who grew up in the ghetto.)
Now we move to another situation involving a girl named Rosemary Cedillo who was 12 years old when a 15-year-old boyfriend of hers named Jordan Rodriguez drugged her and raped her. In the comments section for YouTuber Courtney Blue’s video, Courtney virtually gets a full-blown pity party from other YouTubers, and every self-proclaimed child advocate and self-appointed pedo-expert all have a love fest with one another simply because of the noticeable age difference between Courtney and her assailant at the time of her alleged “molestation”; whereas Rosemary Cedillo was ambushed with all sorts of skepticism and even hate from other YouTubers who refused to believe her simply because her rapist was close to her in age difference. What is so outrageous is that other YouTubers treat Rosemary Cedillo like the bad guy instead of Jordan Rodriguez because of her closeness in age difference to him despite that he raped her.
Rosemary Cedillo’s situation is clearly much worse than YouTuber Courtney Blue’s situation could ever be, because Rosemary actually became pregnant as a result of her sexual victimization. This fact brings me to my next point. I find it so interesting how women who claim that an older man sexually “molested” them when they were teenagers miraculously never seem to get pregnant from their alleged sexual encounters as adolescents. On the other hand, whenever a boy younger than 18 years old rapes an underage girl who has had her first menstrual period, that girl almost always ends up getting pregnant.
The irony here is that self-proclaimed experts on this topic always claim that pre-teen and teenage girls are much more likely to get pregnant from having sexual contact with someone four or more years older than them than if they hook up with a boy two or less years older than them. I wonder how much special-interest groups are paying these so-called experts to make these same statements that do not seem to coincide with actual reality. Nowhere in any of YouTuber Courtney Blue’s video does she mention about her alleged then-22-year-old assailant slipping on a condom before having sexual contact with her, and she claims that she remembers every detail of what happened and everything that was going on around her. The only explanation that I can think of is that her then-22-year-old assailant had every form of sexual contact with her other than vaginal intercourse. That is, unless she hadn’t yet begun menstruating at the time of the incident.
Anyhow, it is difficult enough for a 12-year-old girl whenever she finds out that she is pregnant with her boyfriend’s baby after having had consensual sexual relations with him. However, I cannot even begin to imagine the horror that Rosemary Cedillo must have felt after finding out that she had become pregnant at the age of 12 with her 15-year-old rapist’s baby.
Below are two YouTube videos wherein Rosemary describes her rape leading up to her pregnancy and, unlike YouTuber Courtney Blue, she produces a police report to prove that she was raped. Therefore, she undoubtedly has a legitimate case that should be taken seriously.
Rosemary Cedillo At Age 12 Describes Her Tragic Rape And The Pregnancy That Followed It
YouTuber I’m Irrelevant Defends Rosemary Cedillo Against Malicious Skeptics And Trolls On The Internet
Anyone who views both of the above videos regarding Rosemary Cedillo can see that this young girl has been put through an absolute nightmare from the time that she was 12 years old. However, because she and her assailant were both adolescents and both minors, something really strange appears to happen. Somehow, society doesn’t seem to be as empathetic with her as they are with YouTuber Courtney Blue.
It is good that the law has been doing something in Rosemary Cedillo’s case for a change. However, there are likely many more 12-year-old girls in our nation who fall into similar circumstances as Rosemary Cedillo and do not get the kind of assistance and protection from the criminal justice system that she has been getting.
What is particularly bothersome is that Rosemary still opened up her heart to her assailant and welcomed him to be in their baby’s life merely because she did not wish to raise her baby on her own. However, her baby daddy, Jordan Rodriguez, should be locked up and kept away from her and her baby, and there should be other people helping her out with her baby whom she can trust with her baby’s safety. Jordan Rodriguez is the face of justifiable patricide.
What it all comes down to and what is so outrageous is that way too many people take YouTuber Courtney Blue much more seriously than Rosemary Cedillo simply because there was an actual age difference of close to 10 years when YouTuber Courtney Blue was alleged to have been sexually victimized whereas Rosemary Cedillo was very close in age to her assailant when she was raped and impregnated. Somehow our society simply doesn’t give adolescent girls who suffer a rape or a sexual assault at the hands of a boy the same age as them or of a similar age as them the same attention and empathy that it gives adolescent girls who fall prey to older men. It’s like this one stereotype of how boys will be boys that surfaced back in the early 1990s during the Spur Posse sex scandal in Southern California.
The American criminal justice system is usually negligent with underage female rape and sexual abuse victims in the above-described fashion. I remember a news story from so many years ago about a 16-year-old boy who threatened to kill his 15-year-old girlfriend if she refused to have his baby. Once this young boy was finally arrested and brought before a judge for this same crime, he was given a slap on the wrist in the form of a trip to a summer camp where he could brush up on his sports and enjoy recreational activities. If this young boy had been a man in his twenties or thirties, the only sports he would have been playing after being sentenced would have been shooting hoops in the basketball court of the prison yard of a maximum-security correctional facility. That is, unless the other inmates didn’t kill him first.
Our criminal justice system has been engaging in this sort of malfeasance and dereliction of duties regarding underage boys sexually victimizing pubescent and adolescent girls for over four decades. If you read my Steemit article titled “Rape-Enabler Hillary Clinton Supports Fraidy Reiss Of Unchained At Last,” you will find that the American criminal justice system subjected Kathy Shelton to this same kind of double standard back in 1975 when she was only 12 years old. Her 41-year-old assailant was actually convicted and received a sentence, although the majority of Americans feel that the court system treated him way too leniently; but her 15-year-old assailant was not even held accountable for his actions at all.

B. My Conclusion To This Topic
Although it is not my intention herein to make light of what happened to YouTuber Courtney Blue, if true, I still find holes in her story and flaws in her description of events that lead me to suspect that her video may be nothing more than a pedophile-panic political campaign. On the other hand, Rosemary Cedillo’s story about her 15-year-old boyfriend raping her and getting her pregnant has more credibility to it, and it is even supported by documentation. However, the major injustice here is that society and the law are going to take YouTuber Courtney Blue more seriously than young girls in Rosemary Cedillo’s situation simply because the perpetrator was noticeably older than her.
Self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts have reduced the mindset of the American people to believe that older men are the cause of all of the problems of teenage and even pre-teenage girls, whereas fact has it that teenage boys who are still legally too young to vote have the most access to pubescent and adolescent girls and the most opportunities to victimize them. For example, Chris-Hansen-style wannabe vigilantes will always go after the college boy who arranges online to meet in secret with a 15-year-old girl who bears a resemblance to Brooke Shields in the Calvin Klein jeans advertisements she did back when she was that young. However, you never see videos on YouTube of these same self-righteous do-gooders approaching deadbeat teenage fathers like Levi Johnston or Isaac Frausto to shame them for the kind of human garbage they are and the problems they have caused their underage baby mamas.
In conclusion, whenever a teenage or pre-teenage girl complains about being raped or sexually abused, our society and our criminal justice system need to focus more on the actions of the perpetrator regardless of his age. I am not claiming that older men who do harm to young girls do not exist. They do. However, 17-, 16-, 15-, 14- and 13-year-old boys and even 12-year-old boys who sexually victimize underage girls in some way or another are not young studs and they should not be celebrated as such. They are sexual predators and they are criminals, and they should not be given any free passes simply because they are close in age difference to their victims. Instead, they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
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