The True Structure of Authority

in #law8 years ago

Disclaimer: - The information contained herein is for educational purposes only and should not be viewed as legal advice. This guide is by no means exhaustive and I do not claim to be an authority on the subject. Further study is advised and necessary. All contents on this website can be researched by you and should be:

The True Structure of Authority
Universal Evolution, ‘That from which we came’ – thus making us equal to all men.
Man & Woman. Free to exist peacefully within Natural Law with an inherent right, inherent power and freedoms enjoyed and protected.
Contract Law
We then created verbal and hand shake contracts. As we learned to write we developed written contracts. (Humans can contract with one another, business can contract with business but, man and business can not contract)
Created by Man & Woman and all Power/Authority of a Government is derived directly from their Creator (i.e. Man & Woman). They are representatives of the Men & Women, who have been given the authority to manage the affairs of a Country according to the Peoples wishes.
Governments use the authority given to them by the people to enact rules which govern a society. Acts & Statutes were created by Men and therefore lower then Natural Law. As you are second only to Evolution, you must consent and give jurisdiction to these rules for them to apply to you. The Government assumes they are representing YOU, as you haven’t told them otherwise and therefore assume you consent to Statutory Laws and obligations. That’s right, it’s all about assumption. Statutes are only for Government employees. They contract with you through your birth cert as this document is a legal entity (commercial) and they then apply statutes to that, you have always believed that you are the birth cert person because you have never been told otherwise.
This concept is hard to get your head around at first but it is key to understanding how the system actually works. Man created Government and therefore Government is second to and under Man & Woman.
For them to gain authority over you they had to create a fictional entity known as a ‘legal person/Legal Name’ in Legalese – the language of the Law Society (also called Legal Person, Trade Name, and Legal Entity). This can be identified by your name usually appearing in ALL CAPS on any Government issued Documents, Bank Accounts, Statements, Driver Licence and nearly any other Official Commercial Documents or ID’s. You assume that this ‘Legal Entity’ or ‘Person’ is You, as the name appears to be the same but it is NOT You. It represents a commercial entity/legal fiction with no Rights assigned to it. Only when you, the Man/Woman agree to represent this Legal Entity do you give your inherent right away (willingly albeit unknowingly) It‘s assumed you understand.
So the moral of the story is to remember that you are always in original jurisdiction as a man or woman who does not need permission or submit to anyone!
Never let them assume you are the legal person/birth certificate/Legal Name. You have to tell them so they understand that you are not an officer/agent/employee/trustee of the Government.

A Short Guide to the Law
A Short Guide to the ‘Person’
The first thing to understand when approaching this concept is that there are two types of Person,

  1. in lay terms it means man or woman a human being.
  2. In legal terms it means artificial person, a construct of paper. this is the only way the government can have power over you and deal with you.
    A legal Person is not a Man or a Woman, it is a Legal Entity/Legal Person/Straw Man/Mirror Image, similar to a corporation and it is used for all of your Commercial, Governmental, and Financial documents and accounts. This is the only way that the government can contract with you.
    A legal Person is;
    A corporation treated as having the rights and obligations of a person. Counties and cities can be treated as a person in the same manner as a corporation. However, corporations, counties and cities cannot have the emotions of humans such as malice, and therefore are not liable for punitive damages unless there is a statute authorizing the award of punitive damages.
    Here are some points to note with reference to the ‘Person’
    The Person is also known as a Legal Entity, a Fictional Entity, and a Trade Name.
    The Person requires You the (flesh and blood) Man or Woman to represent it in its affairs, furthermore, the State/Government (also a fictional/legal entity i.e. Not a flesh and blood man or woman) can only apply Legislation(statutes) to this Person when you agree or consent to represent it.
    The Person or Legal Entity/Legal Person was created by the State on your Birth with information from the birth notification form, shortly after you were born. Instead of staying in inherent jurisdiction with our B.N.F. we all went over to their jurisdiction and became agents/officers of the government.
    Your PPSN is the equivalent of an Employee Number. You work for the State, and as long as you continue working for the company you have to follow the rules (statutes) which apply to the Employees/Persons.
    A Short Guide to Legalese, Legalese is a different language.
    (The language of the Law Society)
    What most people don't realise is that there is a whole other language being used in our day to day affairs. This is the language of the Law Society or ‘Legalese’. You see, any society can have their own language and set of rules, but if you don't know this language how can you understand what is being asked of you?
  3. a law enacted by the legislative branch of a government
  4. an act of a corporation or its founder intended as a permanent rule
  5. an international instrument setting up an agency and regulating its scope or authority
    Are Governments Trading for Profit?
    • All Government and ‘State’ Institutions are registered as Businesses. This can be verified by visiting Dun & Bradstreet’s website which is a database of literally 100,000’s of registered Businesses trading for profit. (You can even purchase credit reports for these companies!
    • When one of these companies attempts to claim from you or charge you they are doing so from the COMPANY capacity and under Commercial (or Maritime or Statutory) Law. They can only enforce their claims on the Legal Entity/Legal Person as these Laws only apply to companies not Men and Women.
    • They get you to enter into a Contract whereby you agree or consent (maybe unknowingly) to represent your Legal Person (or Company or Trade Name) from a Commercial capacity. This allows them to enforce their charges and claims via Statutes and strips You of your inherent rights. (More on Contracts later)
    • What is the purpose of any Business trading for profit? Easy, its purpose is to make money! And what do all companies have? Shareholders.
    So who would be the Shareholders of the company called ‘THE GOVERNMENT OF IRELAND’? ...
    You guessed it! The Men and Women of Ireland
    We the People are the owners of this Company and we are being treated as Employees! We’re the Boss.
    You cannot be held liable for any of the LEGAL PERSON public debts or Statutory obligations. As you are entitled to the SECURITY/SURETY of the PERSON as per the European Convention on Human Rights. (This is not so in Ireland as you have no enforceable rights).
    A Short Guide to Contracts
    A bi-literal contract is an agreement between two or more parties creating obligations which are enforceable or recognizable at Law. A Contract has four requirements for it to be considered Lawful: Remember they always offer you a unilateral contract, which is one sided.
  6. Full Disclosure - Meaning that both parties must be fully open in setting and agreeing upon the details and the terms of the contract. Both parties must be left with no doubt or confusion about the terms set out in the contract.
  7. Consideration – Can be ‘that which is offered’ in the agreement. Allows the parties’ time to consider if they stand to lose or gain from the contract.
  8. Terms & Conditions – Outline the structure and the requirements of the agreement and obligations of each or all of the involved parties.
  9. Signature - This is the most important part of the Contract and is the proof that the agreement took place. It also implies ‘consensus ad idem’ or a ‘meeting of the minds’. Your Signature is very powerful and you should always pay caution to what you are signing.
    The key to dealing with contracts is to remain in honour. State Policy enforcers may try to force or trick you into dishonour to secure a conviction. There are four responses you can give when you are being claimed against.
  10. Ignore – If you ignore a claim made against you, you (tacitly) agree by your silence or acquiescence.
    Failure to respond or dispute implies acceptance. If you ignore a Notice or a claim made against you, you are in Dishonour.
  11. Dispute – If you dispute the details of the claims against you, you are raising controversy i.e. not seeking remedy. Again this places you in Dishonour.
  12. Acceptance – If you accept the charges or the claims, you have agreed to remedy the situation by following the requests made. Although this option places you in to a state of Honour it is definitely not the most desirable or empowering choice you can make.
  13. Conditional Acceptance – This is where the power lies when handling Penalty Notices, Charges and Court Summons, which believe it or not are All offers to contact with your Legal Title/ Legal Person or Straw Man!
    You can conditionally accept the Charges or Demands upon the Condition that Your terms are met for example: Proof of Claim that they have suffered debt or have any authority over you. (More on this later)
    Picture the scene...
    You get a Parking Ticket on your Car. This is an offer of contract stating (a unilateral contract) “Your Vehicle was illegally parked, all Persons found illegally parked must pay a fine. It doesn’t state on it that’s it’s a Bill, it‘s just a fine of €50 in accordance with Road Traffic Act. Now we’ve already established the difference between man and the legal person so how does this Act apply to You, the Man or Woman? It doesn’t!
    You see, they are not attempting to charge You the Man or Woman, they are charging the Legal Entity/legal person.
    Because you believe this applies to you, YOU accept the offer and the liability! The legal entity is the vehicle to get you into the court room.
    However, what you’re not told is- You are not obliged to accept this offer...
    Districts courts are a court of record, so whatever you say in there is on record. You must swear out affidavits or affirmations about your situation and lodge them into the court file. That will be the only fact in the court.
    It is important to point out that ‘COURT SERVICES’, ‘DUBLIN CIRCUIT COURT’ and ‘THE LAW SOCIETY OF IRELAND’ are all registered companies trading for profit. (This can be verified by going to These entities are attempting to claim against you in a commercial capacity by enforcing Statutes. Therefore they are attempting to contract with the Person or Legal Entity.
    NOTE; You must lodge your affirmation or affidavit in with the clerk so the judge has this when he opens his file and the prosecutor. If you produce anything in the court without lodging it into the Judges file, the only thing that he has in his file is the original complaint, so no matter what you produce he still has to act upon what is in his file. Anything you want the judge to recognise has to be stamped by a solicitor.
    How to become an inherent man:
    So let’s do a quick recap: - Statutes which are created by Government and restrict freedoms which apply to a Legal entity known as a ‘Person’ which was also created by Government. This legal person is represented by your name usually but not always in ALL CAPS. You have not been thought this information and therefore mistakenly believe You are the legal person and agree to represent it. This legal person LEGAL NAME was created when your B.N.F. was handed over to the registry office, and a Birth Cert was created. Your inherent right (THE RIGHT TO CONTRACT) has been restricted by statutes because the Government assumes they are representing the legal name. They assume you consent to their rules and regulations because you have never stated otherwise. Silence in Law is considered agreement (or Tacit Agreement).
    • This is not a way to break the natural law and get away with it.
    • It is a real opportunity to take responsibility for yourself and your actions and claim your independence as a Man or Woman.
    • Right now we are living in virtual tax and debt Slavery. Most of us working jobs we don’t like, paying tax to clear a debt.
    • This is a true path to Freedom
    Most importantly:
    You can become free of contract and leave all statutes and all government forms of I.D. behind.
    • Do you trust yourself enough to make your own decisions and suffer the
    consequences, good or bad? You are accepting responsibility (Liability) and not accepting their Limited Liability.
    • Do you believe you are responsible enough to take care of yourself and your family.
    • Do you believe people can work together, pooling our resources, skills? Experience and wisdom to create better communities and societies without the input of a controlling government playing a ‘parent figure’. Do you believe we can make a better world together. If you do, RESIGN!

Get CRYPTOCURRENCIES, this is the first time in HISTORY that People have their own form of exchange to each other without government involvement. History IS in the making!