in #law-s22w52 months ago


on this occasion I tried to follow a contest entitled: SLC22-W5/ VIOLENCIA DE GÉNERO.

This time I also invited some friends so they will also participate. @marito74 @fajrulakmal99 @ulfatulrahmah and @wuland

Part I

Please state whether there is a special law in your country to protect women's rights and what is your opinion regarding this law.
Please state whether you consider this law to be effective and whether it does not violate the principle of equality before the law enjoyed by both men and women.

In my country Indonesia there are several laws designed to protect women's rights, one of which is the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence. This law aims to provide protection to women from physical, psychological, sexual violence and neglect in the household. In addition, there is also Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning employment which includes the protection of women's rights in the workplace, such as the right to maternity leave and Law Number 7 of 1984 which adopts the convention of eliminating all forms of discrimination against women.

My opinion on these laws is that they are important to provide protection to women who are often vulnerable groups in society. However, even though these laws exist, major challenges in their implementation still exist. For example, many women are still reluctant to report violence because of social stigma or distrust of the justice system. Therefore, there needs to be increased socialization, education and support for victims so that they feel safe to access justice.

Regarding whether the law is effective, I think there is progress, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. The effectiveness of the law depends largely on law enforcement, public awareness and the government's involvement in ensuring good implementation.

Regarding the principle of equality before the law, this law does not violate this principle. It is desirable that the law aims to provide more protection to women in situations that are often more vulnerable. However, it is important to ensure that the protection provided does not create injustice or discrimination against others, including men. The basic principle that must be upheld is that the protection provided to women is not to reduce the rights of men, but rather to correct existing inequalities.

Part II

From the list of crimes mentioned in class, please state which ones you consider to be gender-based violence crimes and which ones to be common crimes committed against a woman or women.
You or someone close to you has been a victim of gender-based violence. What was the situation? Was the victim able to assert her rights? Do you consider that the law favored the victim?

Gender-based crimes include domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment and human trafficking. These crimes often target women specifically. For example, domestic violence and rape often occur against women, both in private and public spaces.

I have had the experience of hearing a story from someone close to me, where she was a victim of physical and psychological violence by her partner. In that situation, the victim had difficulty asserting her rights because of fear of retaliation and social pressure. Although there are legal regulations that regulate protection for victims of gender-based violence, victims often feel that the law is not entirely on their side. The long legal process and the lack of public understanding of women's rights make victims feel hampered in seeking justice.

Part III

Practical Case 1.

A thief arrives at a restaurant and subdues the customers there so that they give him their belongings. A woman refuses to hand over her cell phone and her money, instead she confronts the thief so he shoots the aforementioned woman causing her death. -. Please say if we are in the presence of a femicide or a homicide committed against a woman. Explain your answer.

Practical Case 2.

After some time, a man began insulting his wife in which he told her that she was not worthy as a woman. He humiliated her, not letting her work or go out, claiming that a woman is part of the house and cannot go out without her husband's consent. One day in the middle of the argument, the woman tried to respond to his insults and he beat her up, leaving her face with bruises. -. Please say if we are in the presence of a crime of gender violence or a common crime committed against a woman. Explain your answer.

Practical case 1

In this case, the murder committed by the thief against the woman is a murder of a woman, because the thief's actions directly led to the death of the victim after she refused to hand over the goods. This murder is the result of the thief's actions using physical violence to achieve his goals.

Practical case 2

This case can be categorized as a crime of gender violence, because the husband's treatment of his wife reflects gender-based discrimination, with actions that include emotional and physical acts against women. This violence is not only physical, but also includes control and choosing based on gender roles that are considered legitimate.

Greetings @aril.hatake


Terimakasih atas undangannya saudaraku semoga sukses 🤝

Terima kasih ya bang untuk undangannya 😊 semoga sukses ya