SLC22-W3 / Human Rights (DDHH)

in #law-s22w33 months ago

Hello Everyone I Am @MEMAMUN 👳‍♀️ From #Bangladesh 🇧🇩

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Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, I hope everyone is well, I am also well by the grace of Alhamdulillah. I will now write a few words related to the topic of this contest. As much as I have an idea about the subject, I will try to give the maximum. I hope everyone will like this post and my expression. So let's get started without delay.



In accordance with what was explained in class, tell in your own words and explanations if you consider that human rights are respected or violated in your country.

Human rights are often violated in my country, human rights are important for a citizen, the people of the country try their best to protect human rights, but they are often violated.

Such as:-
  • In my country, the right to free expression is often violated, if a citizen gives an opinion against the government, then the common people are harassed.

  • In my country, women are deprived of women's rights, women are victims of discrimination and violence.

  • Workers are also deprived of their rights, even if there are fair laws in favor of labor rights, workers are not given the respect and wages they deserve, in which case they are deprived of their rights.

  • Minority communities such as Hindus, Buddhists, Christians among the minorities of my country are deprived of their fair rights in some cases.

The main reason for the violation of this human right is corruption, lack of education awareness.

Rights that are respected:-
  • Considerable efforts are made to meet the basic needs of some people,
    Such as providing free medical treatment and free education.

  • In case of natural disaster, work is done to rehabilitate the flood dwellers.

More efforts should be made to protect human rights.

Tell us according to the laws of your country if human rights rank the same in value as your country's Constitution, if they are supra-constitutional, or if the Constitution prevails over international human rights treaties.

According to the laws of Bangladesh, the constitution is the supreme law of Bangladesh, contains strong laws on human rights, and pledges to protect human rights.

(i) Constitutional protections:-
  • The constitution protects people's fundamental rights such as the right to freedom of expression, right to practice their religion, food, clothing, housing, education, and medical treatment.
(ii) International Agreements:-
  • Bangladesh is a signatory to the International Covenant for the Protection of Human Rights.

  • These treaties are incorporated into the legal system of the country under the Constitution.

The constitution law of my country is committed to protecting the human rights of the people, that is, the citizens of the country, it is important to be consistent with the constitution of the country to implement human rights.

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I mentioned agencies in your area that have competence in the field of human rights. In your judgment, say how useful it is and how its operation affects respect for Human Rights in your country.

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has a major role in protecting human rights in Bangladesh, which works to protect human rights in accordance with the constitution and international agreements.

Effective aspects:-
  • National Human Rights Commission which works on workers' rights, women's rights and minority rights.

  • Raising awareness about human rights, visiting various educational institutions to discuss human rights-related rights.

  • The National Human Rights Commission is constantly making recommendations to the government to stop human rights violations and playing an important role in implementing international agreements.

Ineffective side:-
  • The National Human Rights Commission cannot work completely independently, that is, it has to work under the government.

  • In many cases, the National Human Rights Commission cannot take any action against the influential groups due to corruption despite having proper evidence.

Positive Impact:-As the National Human Rights Commission has made people aware of human rights, citizens have started to become aware.
Negative Effects:-Many people are victims of human rights violations due to corruption.

Have you or someone close to you ever been a victim of human rights violations, if so what is the situation and can you claim your rights?

Something similar happened to a close friend of mine, a friend of mine who found worms in packaged baby food, and complained to the Department of Consumer Affairs. But they did not respond from there.

Then my friend made a negative comment about it, as a result of which he was subjected to a lot of harassment, it seems really surprising to me, a citizen who bought a food for his child but found worms in the food which is not fit to eat, this food product can be eaten by many children and can get sick. Even after complaining to the Department of Consumer Affairs, there was no response from there, which is really sad.

And on the contrary, he had to face problems for commenting against it. And it still hasn't been resolved.

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Case Study 1

A woman loses her son when he dies at the hands of assailants who kill him to steal his car. The assailants are later arrested and prosecuted for the murder. He is serving the sentence provided for by law. However, the woman believes that her right to life has been violated and decides to file a complaint with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

Please state whether you believe that the human rights of the victim in this case were indeed violated and whether the complaint to the aforementioned body should be admitted or not. Explain your answers.

In the above circumstances, it is noteworthy that by taking the life of the woman's son, the human rights of the woman and the victim i.e. the son have been violated. The following is an analysis of whether the case is suitable for filing a complaint with the Inter-American Human Rights Commission:

Aspects of human rights violations:-
  • The victim's right to life has been violated, which is a human right.

  • Article 4 of the American Convention on Human Rights guarantees that everyone has the right to life.

Aspects of violation of women's human rights:-
  • The loss of the son violated the psychological and social laws of the woman.

  • Articles 5 and 12 of UDHR provide that every citizen has the right to protection from the interference of unjust and cruel treatment.

Justification for filing a complaint with the Inter-American Human Rights Commission:
  • If the complainant believes that there was a flaw in the justice system, and the attacker has not been properly punished, then the complaint is okay.

  • However, it is a fact that human rights of both women and victims have been violated.

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Case Study 2

A person is arrested in the middle of an anti-government protest. He is beaten by police officers, resulting in his death. The prosecutor assigned to the case begins the investigation without being able to precisely identify the perpetrators of this murder. Several years go by and the victim's relatives turn to the prosecutor's office for an answer, and are told that the case has been closed because several years have passed without being able to
identify the officers who caused the death.

Please state whether you believe that the human rights of both the victim and his/her family are being violated. Explain your answers.

The above incidents have violated the human rights of both the victim and her family. It is clear from the above that human rights have been violated due to the failure of the state.

1) Violation of human rights of the victim:-

  • The victim's life was deliberately ended and he was deliberately murdered.
    Article 3 of the UDHR considers it a violation of human rights.

  • And the fact that the victim was tortured in police custody is also a clear human rights violation.

2) Violation of family human rights:-

  • The victim's family did not get justice, did not seek justice, it is according to Article 14 of the ICCCR, the right to justice is a human right.

3) Failure of the State:

  • Dereliction of duty, failure to investigate the victim's death properly is a failure.

  • It is a serious failure of the state to close the case without properly investigating the victim's case.

  • Withholding an investigation for a long time without investigating at the time of the death and subsequent closure.

  • Filing international complaints.
  • Re-investigation of the case through the court.
  • Providing compensation to the family.


In this great competition, I think everyone has the best. By participating, their talent and creativity can be revealed. There is no harm in participating, but there is a small gain. So I'm inviting some of my friends here. They are.

CountMy Steemian Friends
1 st@ashkhan

Thank You Everyone For My Post Reading
