SLC22-W2 / Branches of Law
Assalam-o-Alaikum! |

Part I |
According to what was explained in class according to the law or laws of your country indicate two examples of public law and two examples of private law and explain why you consider that these rights are part of public law and private law.
Pakistan Criminal Law and Constitutional Law are two instances of public law. The state protects justice and public safety by dealing with crimes like theft and murder under criminal law. The relationship between the state and its inhabitants is governed by constitutional law which guarantees the protection of fundamental rights. Since the government has the power to enforce these laws and the state has a responsibility to uphold justice order and the public interest these fall under the category of public law.
Family Law and Contract Law are two instances of private law in Pakistan. Personal connections such as marriage divorce and inheritance within families are governed by family law. Agreements between people or companies including real estate transactions or service contracts are regulated by contract law. Since they govern private affairs these are controlled by private law.Fostering interactions between private parties emphasizing agreements between them and if required settling conflicts without direct government involvement.
You must select two laws from your country you must place them in one of the branches of law explained in class (or with which of the branches of law it is related or similar) you must also explain why you place that law in that specific branch
Pakistan Penal Code is a component of Criminal Law in Pakistan. This legislation addresses offenses when the state upholds justice and safeguards public safety such as robbery assault and murder. Because it regulates behavior that damages society and necessitates severe penalties enforced by the government to uphold law and order it falls under criminal law. This law guarantees that no person or organization poses a threat to the community's safety and tranquility.
Civil Law includes the Contract Act of 1872. Agreements between people or companies including partnerships real estate transactions or employment contracts are governed by this law. Because it deals with interpersonal and professional interactions and makes sure that agreements are just and enforceable under the law it falls within civil law. The law establishes rules for settling conflicts between private parties assisting in upholding justice and trust in routine dealings without direct government intervention unless there is a problem.
Part II |
Of all the branches of law (explained in class or that you know and has not been explained) which one do you find most interesting and why?
Because it deals with crimes and maintaining social justice I find Criminal Law to be most interesting. By punishing wrongdoers and upholding order it protects individuals which is important for everyone safety. Criminal law also demonstrates how the government investigates crimes understands criminals and administers just punishments. This area is fascinating because it teaches us how justice is carried out and how laws protect innocent individuals.
The function of criminal law in deterring crime and assisting victims in obtaining justice is another reason I appreciate it. It instructs us on the obligations and rights of both the state and individuals. People who comprehend this law are better citizens because they know what is right and wrong. This branch is made even more fascinating by the accounts of actual cases and how the law responds to them exciting and real.
Part III |
We have all had or experienced moments within one of the branches of law. So you must tell us about your own or someone else experience but of which you have full knowledge and can adapt or compare it with one of the types of law explained in class

This demonstrates how occasionally even in cases that are really important the judicial procedure can be delayed.impact people's life. I thought the court would assist me right away but the truth has been unsatisfactory. I've learnt from this experience how critical it is to enhance our judicial system in order to provide individuals with prompt access to justice. Family law is supposed to protect families and help them resolve their problems but it may be discouraging if the procedure takes too long. In order to properly meet the demands of those dealing with family issues I hope the system improves in efficiency in the future.
You must describe this legal situation in detail and explain why you consider it part of that right.

My experience demonstrates that although family law is meant to protect people its application needs to be improved. This case also emphasizes how family courts need to operate more effectively. The government's job in family law is to make sure that justice is served in private conflicts and I anticipated that the system would take care of my problem quickly. The inaction and delays demonstrate that even while family law is crucial to preserving justice in family affairs greater focus must be placed on the efficiency and timeliness of legal procedures. Many people dealing with comparable issues would benefit from improvements to these systems.

I invite @zulbahri @paholags @virajherath to take participate in this contest

Thank you
@neelofar from Pakistan

@neelofar from Pakistan

¡Saludos amiga!🤗
El Derecho Penal despierta muchas curiosidades en mi, porque como bien dices, es uno de los más importantes y, lamentablemente podemos ver que poco se cumple o, en su defecto, las infecciones en ese sector son mayores.
Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚
Le invito a que comparta el link de su participación en la publicación original del concurso para poder darle entrada formal.
Law is the code of conduct that protects the citizens. Nice to see your beautiful post here my friend. I love this contest, because it helps me alot to learn about law and constitution. Your post has covered each and everything amazingly too.
I wish you best of luck in the contest dear.