SLC22-W1 / Basic Notions of Law.

in #law-s22w13 months ago


Greetings teachers and students!
Here is my presentation for this week homework.

What is law?

a binding custom or practice of a community a rule of conduct or action prescribed. or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority.

In other words law is the study of the system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members.

Importance of law

Laws protect our general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself. We have laws to help provide for our general safety. These exist at the local, state and national levels, and include things like: Laws about food safety.

Types of law

criminal law, the body of law that defines criminal offenses, regulates the apprehension, charging, and trial of suspected persons, and fixes penalties.

Corporate law. is the body of laws, rules, regulations, and practices that govern the formation and operation of corporations.

Family law. Family law deals with legal matters related to family relationships, including divorce, child support, and guardianship. The responsibilities of the household.

international law, the body of legal rules, norms, and standards that apply between sovereign states and other entities that are legally recognized as international actors.

Corporate law. is the body of laws, rules, regulations, and practices that govern the formation and operation of corporations.

Case study:

A citizen is driving a vehicle on the road and disregards the traffic light. Seconds later he is stopped by a traffic police officer and this citizen claims that he disregarded the traffic light because he was in a hurry to pick up his son and take him to the hospital because he is feeling unwell.


In this kind of case both the objective law and the subjective law are to be presented.

This citizen was trying to save a life while defiling the law now lets consider objective law first.

Objective law

This person disregarded traffic light to safe a life, now why is traffic light important?
Accidents are prevented when traffic regulations are enforced on our roads.
This person did not just violate the rules that govern him/her this person also exposed the casualty to more danger example which is accident.

A citizen is expect to abide by the law that govern the no matter how valid your reasons are for defiling the law and because the decision to break the law is yours the offender will be liable to the legal punishment for breaking that law.

Objective law

Now the reasons given for violating a traffic rules in this case is based on feelings, opinions and emotions.
This citizen was rushing to take a sick person to the hospital hence the violation of traffic rules this is a personal circumstance that may or may not influence legal punishment that come with such act.

Part II
-. Based on what you have explained in class, make a comparison and according to the law of your country. Give an example of a law and an example of a norm.

In Nigeria criminal offense is one of the serious case that is handled by the government the legal system provides different punishment for this offense it could be imprisonment, fine or caning.


Norm is a standard of behaviour shared by members of a social group.
Now for example this person can be a resident owner the occupant's of that residence are to abide by any rules that is given by owner or they might face the consequence which includes eviction.

Case study:

Mr. Juan Perez rents an apartment but his financial situation is getting worse and he has not paid for 3 months. On one occasion, a meeting of apartment owners was held and the owner of the apartment where Mr. Juan Perez lives brought the case to the attention of the owners of the other apartments. They took the opportunity to say that they have received complaints from the neighbors of the building because Mr. Juan Perez has 4 dogs as pets in his apartment, something that is prohibited in the building's rules of coexistence.

-. Analyze and explain in which part of the case Mr. Juan Perez is violating a law and in which part he is violating a norm.


Violation of law

Before Mr.Juan was given the apartment he must have signed up an agreement. This agreement is a prove that Mr.Juan will have to renew the rent when due, now Mr.Juan has failed for 3 months which do not correspond with the contract he signed legal actions can be taken by the house owner.

Violation of norm

Mr.Juan kept 4 dogs despite the norm that do not permit such act ignoring building's rules of coexistence.
Although this is not a law in Mr.Juan country he is entitled to respect the norm of that owner.

Explain in your own words what importance Comparative Law has for you according to what you have seen in class.

• Comparative law helps me attain a deeper knowledge of the legal systems in effect.

• Comparative law helps in evaluating a better law.
The comparison of different countries helps in analyzing the pros and cons of legal mechanisms.

It also help build a good foundation of friendship and a strong relationship between different countries also helps to build stronger relationships between the countries because understanding and respecting other laws makes things simple contracts and business can be established with no fear of violating others rules ignorantly.

I will love to invite @blessedbee @bevicsam @dequeen to participate in this contest thank you.


I think you did justice to the question.
Wishing you success 🤗

You've given accurate answers and detailed explanation to all the questions. I enjoyed reading your post and I wish you all round success.

I appreciate you for your nice comments.