The alps of South Tyrol - Landscape photography Tuesday
Driving around the European alps is an amazing experience, specially when you come from a flat country like Denmark that has no mountains at all, I mean, our highest point is 175 m for Christ's sake. The mountains towers up around you looking super majestic and all and you can't help just admire the surrounding landscape in awe, that's what I did any ways.
The picture I want to share with you today is from the northern part of Italy, that is also known locally as south Tyrol, which I visited not so long ago. I was trying to make my way through one of the passes but it was still closed due to snow, although, I didn't find out until reaching nearly the peak of course. Having to go back down the mountain wasn't part of the plan but at least it gave me a great view over the valley that the road departed from, and it looked absolutely stunning!
Hope you'll enjoy too, leave a comment if you've been to the alps or plan to go there :)

Can you believe how awesome that looks?!
The picture was taken with my Sony Xperia Z3 phone
Have a great week! Stay awesome everybody
The Wandering Danish

The alps are great, i love it to be there every year 😍
Wish I could go every year but it's a little too expensive for that.. luckily we have the alps look a likes in Norway :)
Can we go there too?
Definitely.. I'd love to show you the alps! We can hike and climb it all.. or at least sit in a car and marvel at the view hehe
I have to say "amazing view" because it truly is. I think I have mentioned this before but can't believe this is taken by smartphone. It's interesting that everything seems crisp and clear. I like that sort of wisp of cloud coming from the alps. It made it look like an active volcano.
Hehe thanks for the kind words and yes, I agree.. the view was really stunning :)
I hope I can go see this too some day. Man, my bucket list keeps getting longer and longer lol!
It seems really amazing experiences driving around the european alps 😁😊
Hope oneday have plan and go there 😃
As you should hehe.. it's worth a visit indeed :)
Very! :)
Gift of nature... genuinely amazing.
Can only agree, it's a piece of work those mountains :)