
Bodhi Manda Zen Center. I imagine I'll tell that story soon. I'm there right now having all those memories stirred back up.

What kind of monks/nuns were you considering becoming?

Mmm sounds rich! really look forward to hearing that story :)

oh not any specific type- it didnt get that far, but i've always considered going and committing to meditating for years in a monastic life. somewhere quiet and purposeful with a social justice/eco justice slant. ini thought about it while in thailand at buddhist monasteries...

Reading about the Thailand monasteries is what got me interested in the monastic life. I hope to visit someday!

This place has natural hot springs at just the right temperature. There's an organic gardener working with WWOOFers. It's situated in a tiny little mountain town of 200 people surrounded by high red rock mesas with a year round river flowing through with fishies. Worth a visit if you're ever in the area.

Ah now that you mention it, I have heard of the Jemez hotsprings. We went and spent time in the Gila... such a wonderful wonderful place - with hot springs too...

That sounds amazing. Are you staying with said gardener? I loved living in New Mexico- such freedom in the air! Sad to say, the consciousness is not that free in the midwest where we live, but hey! that's why we're here- to liven things up a bit ;) Thanks for the tip :)

Sounds like I need to visit Gila next!

The gardener lives at the monastery, and I'm there for a little while as well.

Thanks for having such a good influence on the Midwest!