I See Your Label Showing. Are You an Individual By Chance ?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #labels7 years ago

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Not For People.

Society has slowly become one of sorting people instead of getting to know them. I have been messing with people's minds on this topic for decades and, though I love doing it, labels must stop.

In any conversation, people will usually tell you what labels they are, which is strange. Why would humans do that to themselves? I'm a conservative, liberal, truther, right-winger, left-winger, democrat, or republican. Most are opposing opinions which have been imposed on us in some cases, made up by someone in other cases. We are in one "school of thought" or another. Think about that. Is this a natural behavior or a teaching? I do not like having been schooled on what to think!

The truth is that you cannot be a label. Not physically anyway unless you donate your organs to a paper mill. Some of you just sorted me into a box that says 'truther'. Prove to me that you are sticky on one side, made of paper, not a person, and I will take it all back.

In a conversation with me, labels seem to confuse me as they come up. "What do you mean by that?" I ask as I hear each label. I refuse to assume that this person is identical to the last few people who used the same label about themselves. If you must sort me, please use a sentence.

He is someone who treats a person as an individual based on their wide range of strongly held opinions on a diverse range of issues that impact their own life as well as our complex world.

If your ability to form sentences is limited, call me an "individualist" or a "non-labeler".

When speaking, I will gladly tell people about myself and how I feel. If I hear labels bounding off of me as they listen, I quickly interject and oppose the category they are assigning to me. I accept immutable attributes, but there usually is no call for those to come up in a conversation.

Labels have been exacerbated by governments and groups of people which create them. Sadly, this is done in order to categorize humans into one group or the other opposing group so that they rage against one another. When a society intensifies this practice, it usually leads to racism, and in some cases, genocide against one kind of person or another kind of person, though the word "person" is never used. Just one slur after another.

insults link

This blog is not about insults. I am talking about filing people according established opinion titles, or labels. There are no so many of them, I have lost track of what some mean. Choosing to ignore all those labels, treating people as individuals, may have been part to blame. My ignorance has caused me to unintentionally care for, comment on, vote for, donate to, or otherwise love both whites and blacks, Russians and Mexicans, republicans and democrats, Palestinians and Jews, conservatives and liberals, flat-earthers, round-earthers, triangle-earthers, hollow-earthers, and other venomous enemy counterparts all over the world.

Result: Common ground here and there.

Ignorance is Bliss

I am @done with all such labels

Could more of us be so ignorant?



Suena como un arma de dos filos.

El sistemas nos enseña y nos da ejemplo de como hacerlo, creo que somos buenos aprendices y ejemplo para ser una especie de etiquetados es.

¿Hay un precio para dejar de serlo?

Creo que si y estoy dispuesto a pagarlo.

Creo que toda la vida no nos alcanzaría para pagarlo. Pero si individualmente nos desetiquetamos no sólo podemos ver cosas nuevas, podemos contagiar a otros. ESO SÍ ME GUSTA.


Usted no publica mucho pero cuando lo hace es certero con el tema, el sistema lo que busca es mantener a algunos pocos en un lugar de prestigio y el precio es que el resto sea denigrado. Esa es la razón del etiquetado un sistema creado por los poderosos para mantenerse en el poder. Su mensaje es un golpe duro a los pensamientos racistas discriminantes! 👏👏👏

The rich and powerful who chose to keep others in desperation will one day be in desperation. Together, we are stronger than they are

Discrimination is good. If you go to buy fish and it smells bad, look for one that appears to be fresh and has no rotten smell. The rotten fish will not feel bad about your discrimination, it is already dead.

Racism is good. If I see a tiger lunging to attack a man, woman or child, I will discriminate against the Tiger, right between the eyes. I am all for the human race.

Of course, we the oppressed are the majority. With regard to the approaches that you have made it is good to highlight that a rotten fish is an individual signaling, the same happens in the case of the tiger, both are judged by their current state individually, if after killing the first tiger you end up with the others by the actions of the first that would be wrong. I believe the same principle should apply to any living being, we should all pay for our own actions no matter where we come from or who our parents are, but not be judged by our race. Whether you see a man killing tiger cubs, or adult tigers to sell their furs, or men killing elephants to take their tusks to what race they would help? it's not a matter of race but of acts. At least that's how I see things!

A simple and very deep true, @done... Only a race: human race ♥

@done good words you are a good writer not all people know how to express themselves in that way I congratulate you

@done, Evidentemente el Mundo te presenta varias opciones de pensar, las etiquetas discriminan la accion de vida del ser humano, pero tambien te permite ver la objetividad y sujetividad de cada quien, lo que a mi juicio es mas importante que se nos respete las ideas ya que desde esta plataforma el mundo entraria en una fase de civilizacion. Me agrado leerte Dios te Bendiga

Hi @done I find it very interesting that you write on this subject "labels", the stiquets only serve to place people in categories, without assessing what is really important, their being, their potential, their ideas, nor do I agree with being taught to think about one way or another, we are not really free, we are conditioned under governments, religions, policies that tell us how we should be and what we should think, it seems absurd. Good topic of conversation friend, greetings.

I think that the labels will never cease to exist.
It is in people to believe in them accept them or put them aside.
It is always important to be clear that one is what the most important person for me says what I am. And ignore other people.

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I like your free thought. We should all have that ability to reason and do what we want. I think that the blockchain system could be oriented further and generate less differences between us as humans. In this way we could have a better world.

Blockchain is nothing without the decentralized database, but all in all, I agree with you.

She is very right, we need more thoughts like yours but also much more action to do the correct.
Now it is true that Blockchain is nothing without the database. But the database is nothing without the people who make it.

Since we entered the school the system is starting to catalog and label us, you are the nerd, you are gross, etc, then when we grow up they put us in more general groups you just commented, they classify us by skin color, by religion, by politics, this is a post that makes us think

You have interesting points of view. It is very good to run into people (in this case publications) full of topics that nobody dares to touch.

I have seen how, on occasions, these types of opinions are very attacked by different points of view. Personally, I think these are the issues that make us value a better reflection of society, since finally, we realize that there are people who care about what is wrong, and should be reflected. As you have done.

Labels, something that should not exist, for people. People are what they are, according to their personality, they are not a generalizable object because they belong to an ethnic group, religion, or different ideals.