Di ajak makan mie kocok/In invite eat shake noodles

in #kuliner7 years ago

Tampak depan warung/Front view of stalls

Mi kocok, di saat saya mendengar namanya saya terheran bagaimana sih mie kocok itu...
Hehehe ini saya lampirkan juga foto mie kocoknya barang kali kawan2 ada yang belum tau hehe yang jelas saya baru tau..

Mi shake, when I heard his name I was amazed how the honey noodles shake it ...
Hehehe this I attach also photo noodles kocoknya goods kawan2 times there who have not know hehe clear I just know ..

Mie kocok/Mie shake

Ternyata mie tepung dicampur kuwah khusus ditambah sedikit bawang goreng dan daging cincang, ueem rasanya nikmat..
Buat kawan-kawan yang belum coba segera coba deh...
Lokasinya kalo di Banda Aceh jln Ahmad Dahlan..
Itulah sedikit info yg dapat saya sampaikan..terimakasih ..please restem vote dan conmen..

Apparently flour noodles mixed with special kuwah plus a little fried onions and minced meat, ueem tastes delicious ..
Make friends who have not tried immediately try it ...
The location is in Banda Aceh jln Ahmad Dahlan ..
That's a little info I can tell .. thanks .. please restem vote