This is why Pi is 3.14

in #krsuccess6 months ago

In the Ancient Egypt, way before the Greeks, they discovered a formula that uses Pi to calculate the circumference of a circle. This special ration was calculated to be at around 3.16049. That is pretty close to our modern day Pi. It is till Greek mathematician, Archimedes, where we solidify the number of Pi. Yet, as constant as it is, it is also as infinite. Modern-day computers have calculated pi to trillions of digits, but we’ll never know its exact final value.


No matter how big or small the circle is, as long as you divide the circumference with the diameter, it will be Pi. It is a ratio, a magic of nature.

How do you prove Pi in your daily life?

Take a string and match it to a circumference of a Circle. Roll it out and measure it. Take that number and divide by the diameter, you will get 3.14…