PlayStation Portal review

in #krsuccess6 months ago

Now that you don’t see very often: here’s a device that many feel it needs a number of sentences to describe, while others think it only needs a few words or just a simple sentence to define. The kicker? When it comes to this particular device, the PlayStation Portal, both views are true: one might come across Sony’s official definition, “a Remote Player for the PS5”, and instantly get it, while another might need a handful of paragraphs in order to fully grasp the concept it’s based on. Isn’t games marketing great?


It’s fair to say that ever since the PS Portal was announced all the way up to its launch — even after its first reviews went online — it seemed to confuse people and divide opinion. That’s no coincidence: it’s an unusual device by PlayStation standards.

Now that Sony’s product has had its first couple of software updates and the dust has more or less settled, yours truly can offer his thoughts on it in a more collected, dispassionate manner. Is it as niche a product as some make it to be? Is it really that difficult to make the most out of? Is it a necessary or even a smart purchase for PS5 owners? Here’s what everyone thinking about getting a PlayStation Portal should…