Phanthai Norasing Historical Park
Phanthai Norasing Historical Park is located in Phanthai Norasing Subdistrict, at the place where the incident of the broken prow of the royal barge of King Suea occurred. It was built as a memorial to Phanthai Norasing, a villager from Narasing (currently Pa Mok District, Ang Thong Province), who served as the helmsman of the royal barge Ekkachai of King Sanphet VIII (King Suea) of Ayutthaya.
When the royal barge reached Khlong Khok Kham, the canal was very winding, causing the prow of the barge to hit a large tree branch on the bank of Khlong Khok Kham, causing the prow of the barge to break and fall into the water. Phanthai Norasing asked King Suea to execute him according to the Palace Law. King Suea was reluctant to comply with the royal decree, so he ordered the execution of Phanthai Norasing, and a shrine was built as high as his eyes. His head and the broken prow of the royal barge Ekkachai were placed as a sacrifice on the shrine as a memorial to his loyalty. Inside the park is the Phanthai Norasing Shrine, which was later rebuilt by the Fine Arts Department to replace the old one that had collapsed. Inside the shrine is a life-size statue of Phan Thay Norasing, in the position of steering a boat, which is highly revered by the locals.
Phanthai Norasing Shrine is a monument of honesty, upholding the rules and regulations of the palace more than one’s own life. It is located at Village 3, Phanthai Norasing Subdistrict, Mueang District, Samut Sakhon Province. Phanthai Norasing Shrine was declared as a national ancient site and registered by the Fine Arts Department. It was announced in the Royal Gazette, Volume 72, Part 2, dated September 4, 1955. The Fine Arts Department confirmed that it is a real place with an area of approximately 100 rai. It is currently under the care of the Phanthai Norasing Foundation. Inside the shrine, there is a life-size bronze statue in a position of holding an oar to steer a boat. It is highly respected by the villagers and the general public.
At Phanthai Norasing Shrine, most people like to come and pray for success, and many people have had their wishes granted. Therefore, people like to bring chicken statues, boxing gloves, or paddles to make offerings as a way of fulfilling their vows, because the history shows that Phanthai Norasing enjoyed boxing and cockfighting.
Below the shrine is a wooden boat made from large teak wood. It is 19.47 meters long, 2.09 meters wide, 1 meter high, and the boat hull is 7.5 cm thick. It is estimated to be over 300 years old. It is estimated to be over 300 years old. It was excavated by villagers in Phanthai Norasing Subdistrict and donated to Phanthai Shrine. Villagers in this area believe that it may be a boat in a royal procession or a boat used to transport soldiers in the past. Behind the shrine is the original execution post, the Phiang Ta Shrine, and a model of the event at that time for us to see.
Before returning, stop by to see the Thai house of King Suea, located in the area of the Pan Tay Norasing Shrine. It is a two-story Thai house. The weather is hot upstairs but the wind blows through. The wind blows under the house, which is very cool. It is a house where you can come up to worship and take beautiful photos.
In the area of the Phanthai Norasing Shrine, there is a food center that offers delicious food. It is located near the parking lot (on the Phanthai Norasing Shrine side) for tourists who want to stop and eat. There are many types of restaurants to choose from.
Phanthai Norasing Shrine is open for visitors from:
Monday – Friday 08.00 – 18.00 hrs.
Saturday – Sunday 08.00 – 19.00 hrs.
Contact information: Village No. 3, Phanthai Norasing Subdistrict, Mueang Samut Sakhon District, Samut Sakhon Province 74000
Tel: 034-871578 (office), 034-871577 (amulet room)
Directions: From Bangkok to Phanthai Norasing Shrine, take Rama II Road heading to Samut Sakhon Province. When you reach the elevated road, cross Kanchanaphisek Road or the Industrial Ring Road for another 7 kilometers, there will be a fork on the left. At the entrance of the alley, there will be a temple with the same name as Wat Phanthai Norasing, but this is not the point yet. Phanthai Norasing Shrine requires you to turn left onto the left fork for another 9 kilometers. If you come from Samut Sakhon Province, you can use either Rama II Road or Ekkachai Road. Take the Sahakon-Saphan Thay Norasing Road, No. 3423, a distance of approximately 15 kilometers.
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