In one day, my friend took me to see a rubber plantation and a vegetable garden in a different village.
Hello friends, friends who used to work as office girls have returned to live in their hometown, returned to find small jobs to do at home. Today I had the opportunity to meet a friend. For almost 5 years, we met only on mobile phones.
He took me to see his small rubber plantation. I came too late to see him tapping rubber.
There aren't many rubber trees, and the garden isn't very big, but we're happy and proud of our friends. They have their own jobs and don't have to force a smile and work for a company all day.
Before going back, my friend took me to buy organic vegetables. An acquaintance grows and sells fresh vegetables himself. I was very happy because the price was not expensive. There were many kinds to buy. The owner of the garden was very kind. I secretly envied him again. I wanted to have the opportunity to stay at home and grow vegetables to eat. When I could pick and eat and sell a little, I was happy.
Seeing the green color made my heart happy. I didn't want to go back. Can I sleep here?
"Go, go, come, go, and arrive at your destination safely." These are words that Thai people use when meeting and parting.
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successgr.with (74) 2 months ago