💫 Simple Monday Challenge 3!! 💫 Share your favorite quote with me ❤

in #krazy7 years ago (edited)


For this weeks challenge I thought it would be fun to ask people to share their favorite quote/quotes with me. I like to borrow wisdom from anywhere it is present, I enjoy quotes and even clichés. Words have the ability to teach us, and sometimes help us cope with issues we are facing. So what are your favorite quotes or clichés?

I want to hear them! With any luck they might help me get to know you all a little better.

As always, I will start.

“Try never to be the smartest person in the room. And if you are, I suggest you invite smarter people … or find a different room.” - Michael Dell

"You can't spend your whole life holding the door open for people, and then being angry when they didn't thank you. Nobody asked you to hold the fucking door." - Orange Is the New Black, Season 3

"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde

To enter simply leave a comment with your favorite quote or quotes. Please, include your bitshares/openledger account name in the comment.

💕 I will be rewarding everyone who enters!

Everyone who enters will receive:

I will also upvote your comment.

It is not necessary to UPvote this post to enter, but your support is appreciated.

Contest Ends on March 12, 2018 at post payout.

Anyone can enter! I made it simple to ensure this.

One entry per person.


Must already have or be willing to create a bitshares account in order to claim prizes,
a free account can be made here.

Come Visit me in Whaleshares Discord: https://discord.gg/qDUmmPC

I'd LOVE to meet you!

Much Love,


Thank you @officialfuzzy and @akrid for making these type of contests possible!!


It is what it is

A couple years back I met a girl at a techno party through a mutual friend. After a good night out all of a our friends I learned a couple days later she was dying of cancer. And I didnt notice anything on her that night. Admirable.

Later she was in a Dutch tv-show and had this quote tattoed on her body. She died 1.5 year back.

Its a good reminder to all of us to let go, just let go.

Hello @krazykrista

The famous quote I do cherish, I don't know if it really a popular one but it say

hakuna matata which means no worry

I really love the words so much because it helps me a lot in everything, no matter the situation I found myself, I should not worry and happy.

Don't worry be happy


Bitshare account name is valchiz123

Hey @krazykrista
Thank for the last time. I love the quotes you put up there. My favorite is the last.

My Favorite Quote

If you can't beat them, don't join them. Rather, hire someone to beat them.

@learnandteach01 is my BTS account name too.

I like this one, not sure if it counts as a quote:

"just do it"

Many times one tends to postpone stuff to the next day when u can just do it now. If u stick to this principle your pile of stuff todo tends to be smaller at the end.


My grandfather provided for a family with six children back in the day when wives stayed home and took care of their kids and the home.
He had a saying about vacations: "We can always go first class, we just can't stay as long".

bitshares: bluehorseshoe-0

Expectations is the end of the RELATION

Here are three quotes that immediately came to mind.

"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe." (Carl Sagan).

Carl Sagan is subtly exaggerating the words 'from scratch'. In order to make an apple pie, you need the ingredients, i.e., apples, flour, spices, eggs, sugar, and etcetera. If you go beyond just simply obtaining these ingredients from your local supermarket, these ingredients were respectively produced and manufactured using raw materials extracted from their respective source. And whether if its plant-based or organism-based source, each element can be simplified to their atomic organic components actively functioning together, and so on and so on.

This is how I interpreted this quote. Indeed, baking an apple is moderately easy, but in essence, it requires a massive number of prerequisite stages. Similarly, we can all achieve absolutely anything we aim for, but it requires a due diligence.

"I live for the funk, I'll die for the funk." (song lyric by Mr. Funkee of Lords of the Underground; later popularized by Notorious B.I.G. in the song, "Machine Gun Funk")

In this context, the word 'funk' represents music. For this particular quote, I interpreted 'funk' as beyond just music and instead, symbolizing art of all forms from auditory to visual. For the past 20 years as an aspiring creative, I've sacrificed a lot for the sake of art -- mentally, physically, financially, and etcetera. There's not one moment I regret and I foresee pursuing my creative purpose until my death. Now, if only I can figure out I how I can live off it.

"I'm never telling you my bitshares account name!" (Scuzzy)

I believe this quote is self-explanatory. I'm not sure who this mystical character is, but you've got to commend him for his steadfast position.

some one has said account name! thank you for participation dude....i will pay you for the last contest right now also <3

When life gives you a lemon, make a lemonade out of it.
Never get stuck on anything, always strive to achieve greatness.
bistshares account: aquacy2

There are so many quotes I like when I find them, but hardly ever remember any. The three you mention are great, @learnandteach01 offers a very funny one and the one of @Muh543 is so true. About the only quote I do remember is from a fellow steemian, @reinhardschmid: "A world without imagination is like a world without imagination"
openledger is rudolf-michael-17

"Don't sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things"

bitshares: bluehorseshoe-0