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RE: Kratom on the Blockchain: Testimonials

in #kratom7 years ago

In 2004 I stumbled across Kratom while doing a Google search for natural products that could help me get off my lazy butt and get some boring and laborious things done. What I discovered was this plant in Southeast Asia that purportedly helped workers in the field doing monotonous work for many hours and were able to stay focused. Coffee would give me a lift but it only lasted for an hour and I never really got much done but once I tried Kratom I thought I found the holy grail as it gave me a focused energy that I had not experience ever in my life nor have I to date. It not only gave me an energy boost but it also relaxed me at the same time and helped me focus on many hours of labor that I just couldn't seem to find the energy OR focus to do. I've been using it pretty much off and on since then and during the times that I decided I didn't really want it or need it, I just quit. This isn't to say there were no withdrawals because there were but they weren't as uncomfortable as withdrawing from caffeine which I had done quite a few times in my life as a Barista. I experience some lethargy, a runny nose and a slight body ache for 24 hours but after 24 hours I was just fine. It reminded me of the onset of a cold but that was as far as it got. For me, it's been great when I needed to get things done that required focus and energy but I also found that it helped me with my social anxiety as well. When I'd go out with friends, even alcohol couldn't pull me out of my shell and get me to socialize with others but my first time with Kratom out and about with friends I found myself interacting more and enjoying some great conversations. To me, this plant has been a God send and I say shame on those who want to demonize this plant and misrepresent it.