17/09/10 #블록체인찌라시 : Zcash 재단 UX 지원금 / Ripple v R3 / Breaking Bitcoin 회의 동영상

in #kr8 years ago

[Zcash 재단 지원금]

[Charlie Lee: Ripple v R3]

[Breaking Bitcoin 회의 동영상]

[BAT CEO가 말하는 광고, 사용자, 브라우저, 프라이버시의 관계]

지극히 주관적인 해설 👇


ideocolab IDEO CoLab tweeted @ 08 Sep 2017 - 15:33 UTC

Announcing a new partnership with @ZcashFoundation! We're providing support to UX-focused projects. Details here: ideo.to/oCEhQo

SatoshiLite Charlie Lee tweeted @ 09 Sep 2017 - 05:40 UTC

R3 sues Ripple for $1B. Option to buy 5B XRPs?! Circulation supply is only 38B. 🤦‍♂️ XRP is NOT a crypto-currency.… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

BrendanEich BrendanEich tweeted @ 10 Sep 2017 - 01:52 UTC

@DailyDashboard Not publishers, they denied liability. Browsers other than @Brave just blindly intermediated. "Cons… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

마지막에 물어봤던건 중국발 루머에 대해 중국 가상화폐 반응이 심상치 않아서 뭔가 아시는게 있는가해서 여쭤봤던거랍니다. 남은 주말 잘보내세요~