Steemit Featured in Latest Korean Cryptocurrency Documentary | Ramengirl🍜
Steemit Featured in Latest Korean Cryptocurrency Documentary
Since this morning, I couldn't wait to share this story with all my Steemian friends! Now, I'm ready to write it and I'm so excited! :)
A few weeks ago, I read a few posts about a new Korean documentary which is about cryptocurrency. Some Korean Steemians were interviewed by the team for it the film because they also going to talk about Steemit. Honestly, I was a little bit worried about it since there were negative documentaries about cryptocurrency they already came out in Korea.
The documentary was released by one of the three major broadcasters in Korea called SBS, on March 11th Sunday night (Korean time) with the title of SBS Special: [Bitcoin, an example of a great or dangerous experiment]
My impression is they appropriately blended negative appearance with positive aspects of cryptocurrency. Also, they explained the basics of Bitcoin quite well with various interesting examples and Steemit was one of the examples.
They started to talk about Steemit by introducing @wony who is the webtoon designer Park Jong-Won.
"Park Jong-Won is a webtoon designer who created the new phrase 'Mother’s Friend’s Son'" [quote from the documentary]
If you're curious about what is ‘Mother’s Friend’s Son’, please check the link down blow. What is ‘Mother’s Friend’s Son’ means
"He was given the chance to make a cartoon series of his own on a Korean portal site after ‘Mother’s Friend’s Son’ became popular, and recently he started a new platform to show people his work"[quote from the documentary]
The new platform they're referring to is Steemit!!
"There is something different about this website. Do you see the dollar sign? It is a kind of manuscript that readers send directly to the author" [quote from the documentary]
"Let's say you get 30 or 50 cents for a portion of a cartoon series on the existing site. But on this platform(Steemit) there is no limit to the amount people can give. If people really liked it, they can give even you a thousand dollars in post-compensation" [quote from the documentary]

"The direct transfer between the writer and the reader is done by a blockchain system. In addition, the author also can transfer to the reader." [quote from the documentary]
To give an example, @wony started to talk about what happened at the beginning of the year. He sold calendars on Steemit which he made himself. When he shipped the calendars the SBD price went up 10 times. He made a lot of money from it but he didn't want to take profits, so he sent part of the SBD back to buyers.
"People work incredibly hard to write posts for conventional portal sites. I think 100% of the profits are going to the executives in this model. The webtoon writer seems to be better off than regular bloggers because at least the webtoon designers get paid a writer's fee. Most of the content on the social media platform is actually produced by the general users. But who gets payed for that?" [quote from the documentary]
"Cryptocurrency analyst Josiah also frequently uses this blockchain based SNS(Steemit) these days" [quote from the documentary]
"When you upload good content, you will not only get immediate feedback, but you will also be able to identify those who have supported you. It wasn't possible with the existing portal sites" [quote from the documentary]
The documentary finished with Satoshi Nakamoto's hid code
I really liked the documentary. Although it was only a few minutes, I was so happy to be able to see Steemit through Korean documentary. Thanks for the great interview @wony!! I really appreciate what you did!
I don't know if it is a coincidence or not, but the Steem price has risen after the broadcast ;)
Steem on, @ramengirl
[All Image credit: SBS Special]

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Excellent news, thanks for sharing it! On top of that, today is, according to Alexa, ranked as the 935th most popular website in the world, is the 936th. If I'm not mistaken, it means that we are the biggest cryptocurrency discussion website in the world. Then, Binance just put Steemit logo on their main website, next to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter logos. Last but not least, we are approaching 1 million users, which is going to be huge news. :)
Omg!! What a great news! :D I'm so happy to see how fast-growing Steemit is!!
Thanks for supporting and great comment!
보팅하고갑니다 리스팀할게요 !
감사합니다! :)
히히히히 스팀은 발전 이제 막 막 가기만 하면됩니다 가즈아 히히히
@directorbia님 스팀 투 더 문<3<3<3
Well the documentary did indeed made a positive affect on Steemit !For which I am indeed feeling great !
The detailed explanation of them will sure make many new faces interested in steemit ,which is kinda good news for us !
For sure! I saw a lot of new users who said they just joined on Steemit after watching this Doc!
Steem on @rehan12 :D
The video did helped a lot of new users to understand the theme of Steemit !
While I do really hope this kind of documentary comes out in many !
존버를 반드시 승리합니다🙌🙌
Please help for my post ....
I am very sad to see it ....
Please, I really hope for you ....
Wow Ramengirl !! That's amazing !! But seems like all the credit goes to @wony !!
His stuff was so good that it attracted people to steemit.
Kudos to @wony !!
That's how steemit is allowing people to showcase their hidden talent, which not just is making the people famous but also promoting steemit :)
I am so happy to read this post. Waiting for amazing growth of steemit :D
Awww I'm glad you felt happy about this :D
Thank you! Steem on @himshweta!
어제 저 방송 보고서 얼마나 감격스러웠는지, ㅎㅎ
yangmok701님 저도 보는내내 어찌나 행복했던지 몰라요^~^
저는 방송을 못봤지만 대단하네요..잘 지내고 계시죠?
@steemitjp님 그럼요^~^ steemitjp님도 잘 지내고 계시죠~? 감기 조심하시구 다시 주말이 올때까지 화이팅~!!^^
스팀잇에 대한 방송이군요 ^^
저는 못봤는데 역시 스팀잇 안에서는 장안의 화제군요.
저도 궁금해집니다 ^^
surfergold님 저는 너무 좋았어요~! 주말에 시간 있으시다면 다시보기로 보시는것 추천드립니다 :D