Koreans Shouldn't Try to Look Western

in #kr7 years ago

I'm a Danish music artist, songwriter(K-Pop etc.) and producer. I got in contact with a Korean Music Publisher that works with huge Korean artists. They like my music, so we agreed, that I should send them K-Pop songs, that they would present to their clients.

Because of that, I began researching Korean culture. I discovered many Koreans do plastic surgery to get a Western eye look.

I want to apologizes in advance, because my Western culture can accidentally insult Koreans. It is not my intent. My only intent is to uplift. I hope, you will forgive me, if I without my knowledge accidentally insult anyone. It is because of my ignorance of Korean culture. I still have much to learn. Please let me know, if I accidentally write anything insulting, so I can learn from my mistakes. In my culture loosing face is not an issue, so please feel free to be very direct with me.

I see many problems with plastic surgery.

Why is the Western look better than Asian? It is not. Asian look is just as beautiful as the Western. I think, it is because of intense brainwashing by the media with the "Western look", that many Koreans think, it is better.

To strive for a "Western look" creates self hate. It leads to depression and for some a quick fix is plastic surgery.

I think, the plastic surgery industry is involved with this "Western look" insanity to make profit.

What to do about it.

Love how you are as you are. That's true beauty.

From a Western perspective Korean eyes looks amazing and very exotic. It would be a shame to change that.


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