러닝영어 #Today's English! Pattern:I wonder / some words

in #kr7 years ago

Today's English !

1. English conversation pattern

I wonder …

I wonder는 어떤 일에 대해서 궁금할 때 쓰거나, 누군가가 또는 어떤 일들이 걱정이 될 때 쓸 수 있는 표현입니다.

ex) I wonder where she went. / I wonder how this works.

I wonder why… (I wonder + why) / why 다음에 나오는 문장이 주어+동사 순서어야 함

​I wonder what… (I wonder + what) / what 다음에 나오는 내용들이 어떤지 궁금하거나 알고 싶을 때

​I wonder when… (I wonder + when) / when 다음에는 주어+동사

It's no wonder… (wonder : 놀람 ) / ~한 것은 당연해요

I wonder if you… (의심/궁금) / 당신이 ~할지[했을지] 궁금해요[의심스러워요]

I was wondering if… (공손한 의향 묻기) / ~하는게 어떨까요?

┌ I wonder why the restaurant closed.

└ I wonder why she left.

┌ I wonder what happend.

└ I wonder what he was thinking.

┌ I wonder when my package will arrive.

└ I wonder when he'll be back.

┌ It's no wonder you're tired.

└ It's no wonder you don't like him.

┌ I wonder if you really understand.

└ I wonder if you get what I'm saying

┌ I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me.

└ I was wondering if you could carry this for me.

2. English words

Step 1)

  • ​We must respect the will of the individual.

① respect… /v. …을 존중하다

② will /n. 의지(=determination)

③ individual /n. 개인(=person)

Step 2)

① polyglot 여러 언어를 사용하는

② principle 원칙

③ separates 분리된

④ distill 증류하여~

⑤ attainable 이룰 수 있는

⑥ madly 미친 듯이

​⑦ overwhelmed 휩 싸인

⑧ caring 배려하는, 보살피는

​⑨ expose 드러내다

[Ourselves 캠페인]

셀프보팅을 하지 않고 글을 올리시고
ourselves 태그를 달아 주시면
어떤 일이 일어날까요?
긴 젓가락으로 서로 먹여주는 천국이 이뤄지지 않을까요?

<= 함께 하실 분은 위 문장을 글 하단에 꼭 넣어주세요~


Hello @moosekiss.
I'm new to steemit but thought it was great to see the potential of learning languages straight away.
I was wondering whether you have plans to put any videos on Dtube ? I would certainly like to learn some Korean :)
All good wishes

Do you know any korean?
I am just student who study English but if you want to learn korean maybe I can help you
But maybe not videos... is it okay?