The Fulfillment of Prophecy, Faith, and Salvation

The Fulfillment of Prophecy, Faith, and Salvation
The God of the Bible promised in advance and fulfilled what was to come.
God promised to save those who see and believe when His prophecies are fulfilled. Hence, God keeps His promises by fulfilling what He has promised and the congregation members keep their promise by seeing and believing what has been fulfilled. God has saved those who believe this. This is the keeping of a promise between God and the congregation.
God fulfilled every promise made with Abraham through Moses and Joshua, and He fulfilled every promise made with the prophets of the Old Testament through Jesus at the time of his first coming (Jn 19:30). At the time of Jesus’ second coming, God fulfilled every promise He made through Jesus (Rv 21:6).
At both the first coming and the second coming of Jesus, God saved those who believe. Those who are not saved are those who could not believe what had been promised. Because God is the Creator, He has always fulfilled everything He has promised.
Why could people not believe? It was because they could not understand the meaning of the words of prophecy since no one taught or learned it. Therefore, they could not know and could not believe.
Because the seminary schools did not teach this to the pastors, they could not know. Since the pastors did not know, they could not teach the congregation, and because the congregation did not learn, they could not know. Therefore, the promise made with God was not kept because the promise of God and its meaning could not be understood and believed. Consequently, they could not enter heaven since they did not keep the promise.
Those who perceive the prophecy receive salvation and enter heaven by faith because they see and believe when prophecy is fulfilled. Now we understand the difference between those who go to heaven and those who do not.
In Matthew 24, it says “when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ flee to the mountains.” However, since they did not know who the destroyers were, they failed to flee to the mountains and were destroyed by the destroyers.
The Bible says that Jesus and the angels will come and harvest after the sun, moon, and stars darken and fall (Mt 24:29-31). However, because they did not perceive what the sun, moon, and stars are even after seeing them, they failed to recognize the savior who came but persecuted him instead. Will those who persecuted receive salvation?
In Revelation 2 and 3, a letter from Jesus was sent, urging the seven angels to repent. However, they did not repent even after receiving the letter but swore and cursed instead. Will they receive salvation?
In Revelation 13, the one (beast) with seven heads and ten horns entered the tabernacle of heaven after coming out of the sea to start a war and marked the foreheads and the right hands of the congregation with the mark of the beast. At this time, the congregation members did not flee, received the mark, and worshiped the ones who marked them. This is the event of betrayal and destruction. Will they receive salvation?
God and Jesus warned about these things in advance in the Bible. However, the congregation members did not know nor perceive these words of promise, but received the mark and worshiped instead. Why did they fail to believe the words of promise given ahead of time?
In Revelation 12, there are those who saw this and perceived, fought against the group of the beast with seven heads and ten horns with the blood of the Lamb and the word of the testimony, and won. They become the bowls containing the wrath of God in Revelation 15 and 16, which spilled upon the betrayers and destroyers to judge them. Who should be the ones to receive salvation?
In the same manner, God has made promises (covenants) with people in each era in attempts to save mankind who has fallen into sin. However, because people were stained with sin, they did not believe and ultimately betrayed in every era just as Adam did. What could be the reason? It is because they are born with the genes of Adam, a sinner, and death rules over them.
According to what is recorded, the Word that was in the beginning is God Himself (Jn 1:1-4), the light and the life, and the power to create. The Word is God (Jn 10:35) and the Word is the seed of God (Lk 8:11). Therefore, if this Word is not inside of a person, they have neither light nor life. They also do not have God, the Holy Spirit of God, and His seed.
He who does not have the Word, which is the creative power, does not have the ability to create. Likewise, the person who does not have this Word, which is life and truth, is someone who is dead. How can someone who is dead know or judge something? On the other hand, they lie because the spirit of lies, the devil, lives with them.
The Jews were the twelve tribes of Israel, once called the chosen people. However, in John 8:44, Jesus called them the children of the devil, who were born of the devil, because they lied.
The condition for such sinners to be set free from sin and receive salvation is only by being born again with God’s seed and the spirit. Only when they are born again, they will believe the word of God, love, and obey God. They become sons of God because they are born of God’s seed and God will become their Father. Therefore, they will be those who receive God’s inheritance.
Just as God and Jesus, who was born of God’s seed, are the Word, those who are born of God’s seed and spirit become the Word in flesh. Those who do not have the Word in them are like the dead, and those who do have God’s Word and spirit master the Bible and understand its meaning, act accordingly, and live eternally with God. This is the faith and salvation of the fulfillment of prophecies. Amen.
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