Gyeongbokgung (경복궁) - the most famous palace in South Korea

Gyeongbokgung is the most famous palace in South Korea. It was build in the late XIV century, during the Joseon's dynasty. Throughout its existence it was destroyed and rebuilt for numerous times. After the japanese invasion of 1592, the palace was severly affected and a reconstruction and expansion process begins in the middle of XIX century.
For decades, Gyeongbokgung was known for its beauty. Unfortunately it is again destroyed by the japanese occupation between 1910 – 1945. After 1990 the Gyeongbokgung palace is being restored, preserving its traditional architecture.
Precisely because of this, Gyeongbokgung is a perfect choice for you if you are interested in traditional architecture of Korea and you want to acquire knowledge of the Royal Court's protocol. Gyeongbokgung hosts the Museum of Korea and the National Folk Museum.

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