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요즘 '가성비 비즈니스'가 떠오르는 이유!

최근 몇 년간 소비재 분야에서 주목할 만한 트렌드 중 하나는 가격 경쟁력을 앞세운 비즈니스의 약진입니다. 이것은 흥미롭게도 한국을 넘어 전세계적으로 일어나는 현상인데요. 지금 당장 떠오르는 회사만 하더라도 중국에선 휴대폰 및 전자제품 제조사인 샤오미,

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Learn TensorFlow, the Word2Vec model, and the TSNE algorithm using rock bands

Learning the “TensorFlow way” to build a neural network can seem like a big hurdle to getting started with machine learning. In this…

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If you’re a developer, you should start blogging — and here’s why.

My blogging journey and skills I’ve acquired along the way

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How you can style your terminal like Medium, freeCodeCamp, or any way you want

Learn how to configure your own terminal theme using Powerlevel9k for Zsh and iTerm2!

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How to set up a private Ethereum blockchain and deploy a Solidity Smart Contract on the blockchain…

From Zero to One: A step-by-step tutorial on setting up a private Ethereum blockchain and deploying Solidity smart contracts

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The Future of Blockchain — Bridging the Sharing Economy — a TEDx Talk

For me, this talk is the center of my work and finally captures what I’ve been trying to say for half a decade. When the sharing economy…

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Back to School: Crypto-Tech 101 – Hacker Noon

Investing in blockchain companies over the past couple of years, I’ve realized how little I know and how new the category is for venture…

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The Business Model of Crypto-wallets – Hacker Noon

Wallets have always fascinated me. But crypto wallets have always particularly fascinated me since i got into crypto because they are the…

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